Short Uraraka Oneshot: Kisses

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I dunno I just felt like it tbh

Uraraka's POV

Me and (Y/N) were in their dorm room studying for class we both were sat on the bed powering through our notes from class .

But something felt missing like something needed to be done , like there was an empty feeling inside of me .

In put my book down and thought of what could be missing. So I turned to (Y/N) in need of advice .

I tap their on the shoulder making their look up from their notes and to me "You ok bonbon?" They asks in her cute voice.

"I feel as if something's missing because I have this empty feeling inside of me " I explain I watch as (Y/N)'s brows furrow and their begins to bite her bottom lip.

Wait her lips

"Maybe you could be hungry I could get you something if you like I don't mind" they reply my eyes never leaving her lips .

Maybe if I could just..

I lean in towards (Y/N) and prepare myself for a pair of lips to meet mine.

"I'll go and get some snacks from the kitchen " (Y/N) remarks and stands up and walks out of her dorm.

I curse underneath my breath "Dangit I was so close! " I mumble .

A few minutes later (Y/N) comes back with a bowl of mochi and a bowl of popcorn.

A few minutes later (Y/N) comes back with a bowl of mochi and a bowl of popcorn

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My eyes widen when I see the mochi making (Y/N) let out a laugh.

"I'm guessing it's a good thing I got mochi then?" They teased sitting down placing both the bowls in between us.

"Yup!" I reply reaching towards a bowl taking a bite out of a pale pink mochi ball humming in response "so tasty!"

(Y/N) reached towards the bowl of mochi and took a bite out of a mint green mochi "that's actually pretty good" they remarked leaving a bit of powder on their lips making them seem a look a lot more sweeter and intimidating.

Maybe I can just ask..

"(Y/N)?" I ask still eating my mochi rocking myself slightly back and fourth on their bed making it creak slightly.

"Yeah bonbon?" They respond taking another bite of mochi now fully covering their lips.

"Can... Can I have a kiss?" I ask twiddling with my thumbs making them choke on their mochi slightly .

"Bonbon I'm your (s/o) you don't have to ask for a kiss" (Y/N) responded they then leaned over and cupped my face with their warm soft hands leaning in towards me more.

They then pressed their soft sweet lips against mine ,moving them in sync caressing my face with their thumbs . They pulled away and gave a content smile .

"Another one?" I asked they giggled and leaned back in and pressed their lips against mine once more .

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