When they're Jealous PT 2

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- She doesn't get jealous BUT if she was she'd be more lustful .

- She'll tease you nonstop infront of the person who made her jealous .

- She'll bite and kiss your neck .

- The person would leave out of uncomfortableness leaving the two of you .

- She won't admit jealousy she would never do that.

- "I'm not jealous baby carrot, I just needed to show that person that your mine~"


- She won't be jealous of a person trying to flirt with you , more like she'll be jealous of not getting attention.

- She'll flirt with you and give subtle insults towards the person until you notice her.

- To be honest you wouldn't even kno what she's jealous because she hides it well .

- She won't admit it that she's jealous .

- "Nope, that wouldn't be very lit of me and besides you're gonna be my waifu/hubby/spouse forever so no need"


- She'll take it well she won't get too upset about it but she will drop subtle hints that you both are together.

- She'll hold your hand throughout the entire conversation and kiss your cheek randomly .

- She's too nice so she'll kill the person with kindness until they leave.

- She'll also ask a ton of questions rapidly to put them on the spot and throw them off.

- She won't admit she's jealous so she will try and change the subject quickly .

- "Jealous? I wasn't jealous , I was just -OH look a puppy!"


- She'll wrap her arm around your waist and put her hand in your back pocket.

- She'll hide a death stare behind her usual expression but the person will feel the glare but just not know it's from her.

- She'll squeeze your ass once or twice if she gets bored or the person pisses her off in some way.

- She'll act like nothing happened once they leave and she'll kiss you real quick and return to her babies .

- She won't admit it , she'll give you an excuse instead to cover it up .

- "Jealous? Me? Nope! I did that because I can AND I just couldn't resist you ."

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