Uraraka X fem reader lemon🍋

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A request from @oknowleavemealone mention a user

★ Quick notes before we begin
•you both are out of UA
•you both are roommates
•this is my first lemon so yeah 😬★

Warning: lemon 🍋

3rd POV

It was in the late afternoon that you returned to your small apartment.

You hung up your coat and took off your shoes.

After a hard day of hero work the only thing you wanted right now was a warm bath to loosen your tense muscles ,some good food and some sleep.

But of course you couldn't forget to greet your roommate Uraraka who you met in the kitchen drinking a cup of tea whilst having her back turned to you.

You quietly sneak behind her and wrap your arms around her waist making her gasp in suprise and almost drop her tea.

"(Y-Y/N)?" She asked uneasily you hum in response placing your face in her neck.

She giggled as she reached her hand up towards your cheek caressing it with her finger.

"How was work?" She asked placing her empty mug on the countertop.

"It was okay I'm tired though" you mumbled nuzzling further into Uraraka's warmth.

"Oh really?" She replied sadly ,she had wanted to do something special for you and suprise you but the fact that you were tired kinda ruined her plans.

You remove your face from her neck and gave her a raised eyebrow look .

"Yup why? What did you plan" you asked with a smirk on your face .

Uraraka blushed and internally screamed she had waited all day for you , today was just one of those very few days where she wanted you but really badly today and just seeing you this close and smirking at her made her lower region throb slightly.

"N-Nothing babe it's okay just go rest " she replied waving her hands giving you a closed eyed smile.

You rolled your eyes and lifted her off the ground making her let out a gasp.

You placed her on the table your hands never leaving her hips .

"Bonbon~ whats wrong ?" You ask leaning in towards your girlfriend her face getting more red as you did.

"(Y-Y/N) nothings wrong" she replied reassuringly making you frown .

Your lips accidently brush her neck making her let out a small moan she immediately covered her mouth and avoided your wide eyes .

"Ohhh so that's what's wrong" you say mischievously a smirk forming on your face .

You leaned into Uraraka's neck and start leaving kisses until you got to her weak spot where she let out another moan .

"Gotcha " you chuckled into her neck as you abuse that spot with your tongue her hands made there way to your hair as she slowly twined her fingers with your (h)c) locks.

You pull away and admired the dark hickey you left on her neck.

She brought your face to hers roughly kissing you catching off guard before you melted into the kiss.

She gently bit your bottom lip and made her way to your mouth where her tongue and yours fought for dominance .

"Clothes off " you ordered she immediately stripped off her shirt and shorts leaving her in (f/c) underwear.

Since she did put up a good fight you began to leave hickeys from her throat to her v-line where you were cock blocked by her underwear.

You rise up from her lower torso and unclipped her bra straps with ease and began to knead her breasts as her moans in ecstasy were muffled by you roughly kissing her leaving no place in her mouth undiscovered.

You lift her up from the kitchen and carried her into your shared bedroom continuing this action.

She pulled away for air before she gasped as you throw her on the bed whilst you closed the door and began to remove your jeans .

You began to remove your panties at a painful pace as Uraraka sat up and watched you with lust and neediness.

You climbed onto the bed and pushed Uraraka down onto her back you climb over her exposed body hovering over her face before she drags you down onto her face and begins working.

You were getting bored you grind slowly .

Uraraka got the message and stuck her tongue in as far as it could go making you moan.

She removed her tongue and sucked your clit giving as much attention as she could.

You moaned loudly making the girl suck harder and faster .

You felt a knot begin to form in your stomach as you moan out .

"Ocha~ko I-I'm com-ing" you moaned loudly .

Ochako muffled moan made you vibrate , making you break as you came into the girls mouth .

She sat up and kicked her lips and swallowed the substance .

She crawled over onto your lap and began to undo your work blouse while kissing you passionately.

As she finished undressing you she left some light hickeys on your neck while you recovered before going back in for another long needy kiss.

You then broke the kiss and rotated the girl and sat her down on your lap as you remove her underwear and glide your nails down the girls bare thighs making her shiver.

You began to trace your finger back towards her womanhood and traced her entrance making her gasp and moan at the same time.

"Please~" she moaned our softly.

"Hmm what was that bonbon~?" You ask teasingly making her grab the back of your neck and push your lips back on to hers and kiss you as roughly as she could.

You then push your two fingers in and  stop as Uraraka let's out a scream of pain.

You kiss away the tears and comfort her before a few minutes later she wiggles her hips signalling you to move.

You start to pump in and out at a medium pace before you put in a third finger and go as fast as you could.

Uraraka moaned so loudly that she needed to be muffled with a kiss so the neighbors didn't hear .

She moaned your name into your mouth making you pump quicker.

"(Y-Y/N) I don't know how much more I can take " she moaned in absolute ecstasy.

She moaned your name each one louder than the last before she came into your fingers.

You removed her hand as you both fell back onto the bed Uraraka snuggling into your bare chest.

"All better now?" You teased making her giggle.

"Yes thank you (Y/N) " she smiled as she gave you a chaste kiss on the lips before breaking it again .

"We need to do this more often " you say as your girlfriend hugs you tightly .

" Yeah " she yawned tiredly falling asleep on you.

You chuckled as you closed your eyes and let the sleep take you away.

Extended ending:

"D-Do you think they aren't home?" Midoriya asked innocently "I mean the door is opened and (Y/N) and Uraraka's shoes are here so.."

The heterochromia boy shrugged his shoulders as the sonic rip off  announced.

" It is extremely rude to enter another person's house without permission therefore we should not-"

"AAH~A-ah (Y/N)~ Please- Aah~"

The three boys turned bright red and turned away from the door and walked away leaving your backpack at your door.

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