How you meet pt 2

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You were a hero that had recently moved to Japan and this was your first encounter with a villain.

Narrator's POV


A fire on your FIRST FREAKING DAY! What a warm welcome to Japan.

Lots of screaming and cries for help as you ran towards the flaming building while the other heroes went after the villain who caused it .

You dashed in and out with several people at a time saving countless. It wasn't until the last few that you began to struggle because some people tried to hide to try escape the flames.

Making you have to look for them you eventually found a little boy hiding in his closet coughing. He screamed when he saw you.

"MONSTER!!!Get *cough* get away !" He choked out as another column fell making you wince as the heat burned your back .

"It's okay I'm here to get you out of here! Just hold on and don't let go"you ordered before the ceiling started to break making the boy gasp.

You quickly grabbed him and held him close and started running for the exit because the windows were nowhere in view and if you made a run for it the building would have collapsed killing you both.

You jumped down the flights of stairs dodging flames and falling ceilings and walls making sure the boy wasn't harmed by anything.

You finally managed to make it down to the bottom floor . But the ceiling fell down on you ,you dropped the boy and held up the foundation .

"Go!" You ordered ,the boy turned to you tears running down his face.

"What about you?" He wailed making you sigh.

"I'll be fine! Run I can only hold this up for so long!" You reassured the boy making him stand up and run towards the collapsing exit making it outside safely .

You slowly crouch down until you were on your stomach there was only enough room for you to crawl your way to safety . The floor was covered in burned wood and was extremely hot burning your stomach making your eyes water.

You continue to crawl at a slow pace slowly coming closer to the exit . Until your couldn't do it anymore your arms wouldn't move and your vision started to cloud up with black dots .

You fainted .


Sirens and voices that's all you could hear your vision began to come back as a figure came into view a lady with white hair and rabbit ears?

"Oh your awake!" You eyes widen as a sharp pain went through your whole body causing you to sit up which you regretted immediately after.

You eyes scanned your surroundings , your were in the back of a ambulance the kid was there bawling his eyes out with his "mother" . Your eyes soon turn towards the figure you had saw immediately regretted that as well.

"What were you thinking going into an unstable building like that you could've been injured! You should've left it to us" Lectured the White haired rabbit lady making your roll your eyes.

"I'm a hero it's what I do and besides if I didn't it would've been to late" you replied making the lady sigh and shake her head.

"You did save everyone though so you did good for your first day rookie " she remarked making you let out a laugh before turning to her .

" I'm not a rookie I've moved here from America I'm 14 in the hero rank " You replied again making her smile.

"Well you could've fooled me " she said with a smirk putting out her hand " I'm Mirko rank 5"

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