You Get Hurt

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Warning the following may contain descriptive injuries and blood

Narrator's POV  (me😉)

You and Uraraka were hanging out in her dorm room and you started tickling her and she accidently activated her quirk .

She was worried you would hurt yourself but you were actually having a great time that is until you hit your head off the ceiling and put a dent in it .

So uraraka freaked out and deactivated her quirk and you landing the ground with a loud crack and snap and it was safe to say you broke your arm.

Uraraka immediately joined you on the floor kneeling next to you .

Uraraka lost her shit and was freaking out she could barely hear you trying to calm her down .

3rd POV

"Oh my god (Y/N) are you okay!" Uraraka said rather loudly hurting your ears.

"Bonbon I don't think screaming isn't gonna fix my arm" you winced as you spoke .

"Oh I'm so sorry (Y/N)! Do think it's broken?" She asked worried.

"Well my quirk isn't to be flexible so to be able to bend my forearm in half is pretty sure sign that I broke my arm ." You joked and then groaned from chuckling.

"(Y/N) now isn't the time for joking your arm is barely hanging from a thread!"

"I bet me and Izu are gonna be GREAT friends after this " you said a bit hysterical from the shock.

"C'mon let's get you to recovery girl" she said she picked you up and used her quirk put keeping a tight grip on you avoiding your injured arm.

Narrator's POV

Yeah Uraraka doesn't take you getting hurt too well she freaks out but eventually calms down . You don't like worrying her so you try avoid seriously hurting yourself.

Also you were right the next day Izuku saw you with a cast and sling and your bond became stronger .

Narrator's POV

You two were studying and you got a paper cut . You were almost in tears it was a really deep one too you could see your finger bone.

Momo was worried and cooed at you for a bit before creating a med kit.

You needed a few small stitches .  And you were a bit fussy over it because it made your finger more sore.

But it was all Momo could do until recovery girl could heal you .

3rd POV

"Ow! Printsessa that hurts  " you whined as Momo pulled the needle through your skin.

" I know darling but until recovery girl can heal you this will have to do" she said calmly as she repeatedly slides the needle through your soft skin.

"I told you studying was evil " you muttered wincing at the pain.

"Now c'mon Y/N it's only a few stitches and a paper cut you'll be fine" Momo says giggling slightly.

"Yeah it's fine until you jab my bone with the needle " you mutter again "And what do you mean it's only a paper cut that shit hurts!"

"Y/N trust me, my grandmother taught me how to stitch and sew when I was younger" she said as she winced when she remembered the amount of times she liked herself with a needle.

"Fine fine but this is the last time I trust a book that's not a (f/b/s)(favourite book series) book- AGH!"
You helped as Momo finished the stitching.

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