If they read faniction

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- She wouldn't mind it but she finds it kinda weird when it's about actual people cause it's not her cup of tea BUT she would read some about her favourite characters .

- Likes x readers , fluff , lemons(but won't admit it) action and angst.

- She enjoys coffee shop and superhero au's.

- Reads on Wattpad doesn't understand ao3.

- She would write some if she was bored .

- She read some on a dare and honestly enjoyed it , she likes the creativity of some writers and enjoys original stories.

- She likes original stories , crime and romance.

- X readers make her a bit uncomfortable but understands it makes people happy so she doesn't care.

- She has written some stories on a secret account (the girls know about it) and takes pride in it.

- Uses ao3.

- She doesn't care Tsu is very chill would read some when she's bored .

- She likes romance , comedy , x readers .

- She prefers au's cause she loves the art for the characters (her favourites are mermaid and coffee shop au's).

- She doesn't write stories but she made a book full of pictures of frogs and tags writers.

- Uses Wattpad.

- She would check if there are some about her favourite musicians or celebrities (eg. Heroes) and read them cause she was curious , she's not  that into them but they're there if she feels bored.

- She likes songfics and angst.

- She likes singer au's just to see how accurate they are.

- She doesn't write books she rather read them .

- Doesn't mind Wattpad or ao3 cause she doesn't read fanfics a lot.

- Reads the books for the comments she thinks they're hilarious she specifically reads more cringey books because she finds them funny especially x readers .

- X readers , romance ,lemons and crackfics .

- Makes fun of (Y/N)(not you but more of the ooc Y/N) and makes so many references.

- She likes werewolves/vampires au's just to find really silly ones.

- " 'Y/N is half vampire/werewolf/unicorn/wizard/goddess/demon/angel who is in a lovers triangle and is not like other girls'?? Ooo this is gonna be good"

" Lol why is she stuttering so much girl stop"

" 'N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-no I'm too dangerous you see I'm a monster!!' The only monstrous thing here is your non cannon speech impediment "

" '*Y/N turns into her angel form and blasts light beams then sacrifices herself for her boyfriend* "Why why did you do that!!" "Cause you're worth it" ' Was he really though ??? Meeeeh "

" 'Y/N's mom died before she was born' How the FÜCK "

- She uses Wattpad .

- As a hero she technically would have fan fictions about herself and she doesn't really care she doesn't find them weird or anything .

- She doesn't read them .

- Doesn't read them , she just doesn't it's not her thing .

- She rather go through tumbler or Twitter than read a fanfic in her spare time.

- She use to read them but grew out of it ,I feel like she would have had been in a few fandoms .

- If you talked to her about fanfiction she would know what you're talking about , so it's definitely a topic she'd be familiar with.

- Nah not her cup of tea, maybe would've read some at one point but didn't catch her interest .

- She probably had read some full metal alchemist fanfics at one point I don't know .

- There are most definitely some about her , Denki probably came over with bakugo and writes some on a secret account .

- She found it because Mina told her and Mitsuki and Mina are close.

- She's flattered .

- She probably found some of  Izuku's "All might fanfiction" or homemade comics and just read a bit .

- She doesn't understand but if it makes her son happy then it's all good.

- She stays away from fanfiction it's not worth it , poor lady is scarred .

Mt lady
- She doesn't care she has better things to do .

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