Mei X tomboy reader X Iida

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Request by @IMightFUYL
3rd POV

The three of you stood outside of your parents door waiting for it to open and your parents to greet you and your lovers.

Tenya had wore his uniform while Mei wore a black tank top and some leggings and you were somehow forced into a pale pink dress by Mei.

You crossed your arms not happy about anything that was happening because 1. Your parents were going to meet your boyfriend and girlfriend 2. You were wearing a dress a PINK dress none the less .

But other things ran through your mind as in what if your parents didn't approve of Mei or Iida ,what if they didn't except your relationship , what if they didn't accept YOU.

Your brows were furrowed as your brain came up with multiple scenarios until you felt an arm wrap around your waist and a kiss on your forehead.

You turn to see Iida kissing your forehead and Mei's arm around your waist .

"It'll be okay Cuddlebug were not gonna leave if things go right"

"She's right my star no matter how bad things get we'll never leave your side "

You smile at them but flinch when the door opens to see your mother .

"(Y/N)? You didn't mention you were coming over and especially not with friends I would've prepared something"

"Hi mom I brought over two very important people I want you to meet" you reply squeezing the hands in yours.

"Come in, come in welcome"

The three of you walk in the warm house and sit down on the couch across from your dad.

"(Y/N) care to introduce your friends?" You mother asked sitting down next to your dad.

You swallow the lump in your throat and take a deep breath " Mom , dad this is Tenya and Mei we're in a polyamorous relationship "

Your parents stared for a minute before your mother squealed .

"THANK GOD! I thought you were gonna be alone forever "

"As her parents we just wants what makes her happy and we know that the two of you will protect our baby girl" your dad smiles.

"With all do respect Mr (L/N) , (Y/N) is more than capable of taking care of herself and is one of the strongest students in class 1A" Iida replied.

Your mom looked at you with a smile "it's been so long since you've worn a dress (Y/N) you look so pretty in one hold "

Mei chuckled and wrapped her arm around your waist pulling you close "She does but it was really though to get her to wear it though I can tell ya that much"

Your Mom's eyes sparkled at Mei "You wouldn't happen to want to see some baby photos would you?"

Mei nodded and began to talk to your parents .

Iida and Mei both got along great with your parents .

By the time you three had to head back to the dorms your mom had called you asking to bring them back over tomorrow .

★ This one sucks so I'm sorry ★

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