When they're Jealous PT 1

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She will pout and stay at your side to hold your hand.

- She'll stay by your side and glare at the person when you turn away.

- She'll be more affectionate like giving you more kisses and cuddles when the person leaves .

- She'll be in denial of it and blush but will admit it if your give her enough affection and whisper sweet nothings.

- She'll be embarrassed about it and apologise for it.

- " I'm sorry (Y/N), I couldn't help it I just don't want anybody to steal you away , your my girlfriend/boyfriend/partner and I want to protect you "


- She'll be calm about it and stay by you make sure the conversation doesn't go too far.

- She'll hold your hand and squeeze it tightly .

- She'll drop subtle hints that you're her girlfriend/boyfriend/partner and wait until they get the message and leave.

- Shell be a bit pouty but will hold your hand and give you hugs .

- She won't admit that she's jealous and come up with an excuse .

- "(Y/N) I wasn't jealous I was just holding your hand and conversing there's nothing wrong with that"


- She'll stay by your side and wrap her arms around your waist and place her chin on her shoulder .

- She'll give small glares to the person when they make eyes contact with either of you .

- She'll also nuzzle and kiss your neck if the person starts talking to you.

- When you guys leave she'll give the person a slap in the face with her tongue when you're not looking.

- She won't try to deny that she was jealous though because she knows that there's no point in hiding it because it's obvious.

- "Yes I was jealous but if you were in that scenario wouldn't you be too?Don't try to deny it ,kero "


- She will glare so hard at the person from a distance .

- She won't look you in the eyes and will ignore you and listen to music instead .

- She won't involve herself until either the person or you leave the other.

- She'll poke you in the neck multiple times leaving a shit ton of bruises .

- She'll deny everything .

- "I wasn't jealous dumdum , It's just you imagining things again! Anyways why would I be jealous "


- She'll pout and hold you hand and try drag you away.

- When she fails she'll kiss your face hoping that the person would feel uncomfortable and leave .

- When they do she'll give you more hugs ,kisses and some hickeys .

- She'll admit she's jealous but in a subtle way.

- "Of course I'd be jealous who wouldn't be if they were in my shoes they could've snatched you away from me "

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