Momo X fem Reader :lemon 🍋

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Quick note
•you both are older 17-18 (because I ain't righting a lemon for a 15 year old)

Warning : lemon 🍋

3rd POV

You stayed at home sitting on the edge of your bed waiting for your girlfriend to come out of the bathroom to show you her costume for a costume party the class was having.

You've been on edge about this because she would make you both match so whatever she wore you wore a replica .

You fiddle with your thumbs before looking up at the sound of the bathroom door opening .

Your face immediately heats up when you see Momo enter the room with a maid outfit on .

It was a frilly maid outfit that went several inches above her knees , he legs were covered in white stocking that had a black lace trimming , she had a pure white apron on as the dress itself was off the shoulder showing off her shoulders , arms and a lot of cleavage.

"So what do you think "she asked giving a twirl as she waltzed over to you .

"A-Are you okay with wearing that? Like you don't feel uncomfortable in it?" You stuttered Momo eyed you for a second before giving you a confused look.

"Well my hero costume is no better so I should be fine" she pointed out.

You face flushed an even brighter red and avoided her gaze as kneeled down in front of you putting her soft hand against your face.

"(Y/N) are you feeling okay darling? You seem like you have a fever" she said concerned about your health.

You curse under your breath as you look down only for your gaze to be met with a clear view of her boobs.

You slowly shake your head in response . She pouted before standing up and sitting on your lap . She wrapped her arms around your neck placing her forehead against yours gazing into your eyes.

"Y-You probably should know that I didn't plan on wearing this for the party " she explained nervously .

"I-I wanted to try something new so when I saw this I thought maybe this would fluster you" she mumbled into your neck .

She pulls out of your neck to look you in the eyes for your answer.

"Y-You did that for me?" You ask staring into her eyes .

She leaned in to place her some pink lips on yours before pulling away .

"I would do anything for you and you know this " she replied giving you a loving smile .

"T-Then what did you want to do I-I mean you went through all this for me I want to do something for you too" you say filling the girl with serotonin by just being so kind.

She shook her head "No today is all about you so I'm going to serve you my master~" she purred as she crashed her lips into yours running her hands through your hair.

You let out a small muffled moan as she licks your lip for an entry which you deny making her squeeze your boobs and laying you down on the bed.

As you gasp her tongue explores your mouth leaving no spot unmarked as she kneads your breasts through your shirt.

You were putty in her hands at this point, she pulls away and lifts up the bottom of your shirt and crawls underneath it and goes straight for your chest.

You feel her unclip your bra with ease  and kiss around your chest leaving hickies and bite marks .

She then blows cold air onto your nipples hardening them before she plays around with them with her tongue and teeth.

You moaned loudly under her touch and gasp as she sticks her head through the neckhole of your oversized t-shirt.

She gives you another passionate kiss exploring your caves once again .

She then slowly eases down your pants with her finger while she attacks your neck leaving it in the same state as your chest. You then feel her fingers tease your womanhood before she sticks them in pumping them in and out at a slow pace .

You wiggle your hips to get more friction but hear Momo use her quirk.

Your eyes widen once you feel a cold object trace your throbbing womanhood before thrusting in.

You yell at the sudden touch before feeling overwhelmed with pleasure .

Through yours many moans your hands manage to make their way down to the back of her costume and zip down the dress revealing her naked curvy body to you.

You make your way to her chest and start the same treatment she gave you while Momo pumped the object in and out at a more higher pace.

You both were moaning messes at this point putty in eachother's hands .

You then move Momo to sit in your torso as you shove you fingers into her pumping and giving her breasts affection as well.

" H-Hey! I-I'm supposed to give you the aah~ sp-special treatment" she moans .

You then felt a knot in your stomach which warned you that this whole experience would come to an end.

"Mo~mo I'm c~close a~ah!"

"M-Me t-to A~AAAH"

You both came at the same time leaving you both breathless as Momo plops down beside you holding your hand.

"Wow" she commented in awe making you giggle .

"That was great but in a seriousness " you say as you turn to Momo "You're not actually wearing that are you?"

Momo chuckled and wrapped her arms around your waist.

"No I'm going as a vampire besides this thing reeks after that" she giggled .

You sigh in relief and nuzzle into your girlfriend's bare chest slowly drifting to sleep listening to her heartbeat as she takes her long slender fingers through your hair.

Extended ending:

"So (Y/N) I gotta ask what exactly are you dressed as?" Asked Mina curiously.

You took a sip of your drink and replied with " A leopard "

Mina nodded her head as she examined the detail of the dark spots on your necks before she realised.

" Those aren'tt makeup are they " she replied somehow pulling off a Lenny face.

" Nope they are very much real" you replied taking another sip if your drink.


"It was"

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