How they react to Mineta flirting with you pt 2

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Well you're both pro hero's so I don't really know how Mineta could flirt with you .

But if he did the boy better pray because Rumi will kick with him like the football he is into another dimension .


Camie is pretty chill she sorta just goes with it to be honest.
She'll flirt with you too until he sorta just leaves .

BUT other times she threatens him while having her happy face on making him pee his pants and run.
For example:

"Hey broski you might wanna back off before I break you nico nico kneecaps my guy!"


This girl will agree with him about the  compliments BUT will scold him if he goes too far like touches your leg without consent.

She's not very violent but if he does go further than he should than a quick kick to the manly nuggets as she turns you both away.


Like both Camie and Neijire she'll agree with him and compliment you on your "features" and will do some subtle flirting and space invading .

But will also threaten him with torture devices if she's had enough of his unwanted attention . Overall pretty scary what this girl can invent.

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