How You Meet

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Narrator's POV
It was during the Physical exams and you were destroying robots and you were about to run from the obstacle not. When you saw a brunette haired girl trapped beneath some large rubble without a moment to think you run over there.

You use your super human strength to lift the rubble with ease while a human broccoli was destroying it. You help the girl ,you both made I contact and you felt your heart beat pick up (You're not having a heart attack don't worry).

You both were so entranced in each others gaze neither of you noticed each other blushing.
Before you could ask if she was ok you were pulled away by your best friend , (BF/N).


"S-She was stuck underneath a peice of rubble and she could've been hurt-"

"That's no excuse! I could've lost you !"

"I'm sorry (BF/N) but what's the point of being a hero if I can't save anyone".

"You're too good of a person for the world, I swear c'mon let's go"

Timeskip brought by ...
The awesome person reading this book

Narrator POV

You soon got changed and was walking home but you saw a familiar brunette talking to Present Mic and had a disappointed look on her face.

You waited outside for her and once she left. She immediately recognised you and slightly blushed .

"H-hey you're the girl/guy/kid who helped me today! I never got to say thank you for what you did today that was really kind and brave of you"

"You're welcome also I never got your name "

"Oh yeah! I'm Uraraka Ochako and you are?"

"(L/N) (Y/N) nice to meet ya"

You both giggle and walk home together coincidentally you both live on the same street you walk her to her house and say your goodbyes and went home.

Your POV
(This takes place when you're 8 so prepare for adorableness)

Today Mama and Papa were going to a fancy party at their friends house and they decided to bring me which was awesome I got to wear my formal clothes.

(Just wear what you like but make it fancy )

When we arrived we were in a big house. We were greeted by Mama and Papa's friends and beside them was a girl my age with black hair in a ponytail .

"(Y/N) do you want to play with Momo?" asked my Mama. I nodded and Momo took my hand and we went off to her room .


Instead of going to her room we went to the gardens to play .

"Wowie! It's so pwetty youw weally lucky Momo chan!"

"Yeah my mother and father are really wealthy so it's only natural"

"Wow you know weally big words too! You must be weally smawt too! Youw like a pwincess !"

"How ?"

"Because you awe weally smawt and pwetty and youw weally weally nice too!"

"Thank you (Y/N) you're really pretty too!"

Narrator POV

And so throughout the night Momo and (Y/N) played and played and ended up as best friends (because at that age in your life you could literally have a best friend in no time *sigh* if only life was still that simple).


Narrator's POV
You were walking into class 1A on the first day of the new school year you were really excited you couldn't wait to see you're cousin since you haven't seen him in so long.

You looked around the room and spotted your cousin Kaminari!
You decided to talk to him at lunchtime and decided to go make some new friends.

You walk around and you see a short purple haired boy looking at a group of girls well not exactly at the girls but at their asses you go over to a girl with short indigo hair and tap her on the shoulder.

"Um sorry to bother you but I'm pretty sure that little grape haired dude is looking at you and your friends ...... inappropriately"

"That little perv thanks for telling me I'll deal with him later "

"No problem ,I'm (L/N) (Y/N)"

"Cool I'm Jiro kyoka wanna talk with my group"

"If theyre as cool as you then definitely".

Narrator's POV (your 8 again soz)

It was a rainy day when a girl/boy/child in a yellow raincoat and wellies was jumping through puddles in the park.
She/he/they then came across a pond with a tiny frog on a lily pad watching her .

She/he/they giggled and went over to the fountain to talk to it .

"Hiya there Ms Froggy !"

The frog let out a croak.

"It's really wet out today isn't it "

The frog croaked again.

"Guess what happened today!My mommy read me a book called the frog prince !"

The frog croaked once more.

"It was really cool what the princess did for the poor prince "

Then the frog let out a ribbit.

"A-Are you a prince?Do you need a kiss?"

The frog let out another ribbit.

"Okay here I go!"

The little girl/boy/child shut her eyes and leaned forward and didn't notice that the frog had jumped away and that she/he/they was going to fall into the water.

She/he/they then felt a hand grab hers pulling her/his/their back. She/he/they opened her eyes to see a girl with green hair tied up in space buns holding a umbrella above her.

"Are you okay kero?"

The girl's/boy's/child's eyes grew wide and had stars in them from the happiness from the little gesture.

"You saved me! From falling thank you! I'm (L/N) (Y/N) and you are?"

"My name is Tsuyu Asui it's nice to meet you (Y/N)-sama"


You were with your best friend kirishima walking down through the city centre talking about how gay he was for bakugo the usual .

You two then turn a corner and bump into someone you look down and see a cute girl with bubblegum skin and black sclera eyes with yellow iris's.

She looks up at you and grins

"Heya buddy thanks for catching me and -- OH MY GOSH HI KIRI!"

"Hey Mina how's it going?"

"Great just going shopping with my fabulous partner in crime Hagekure!"


"Cool! Oh! I forgot to introduce MY partner in crime (Y/N)!"

"Wow Kiri keeping all the cuties to yourself as usual" Mina pouted.


(You've known eachother since diapers since both your mom's were best friends and I'm not doing a scenario were a baby meets another baby since they don't talk (also I'm tired TwT))

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