Mei X Reader : fluff ☁️

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Requested by @SmolBean267

Quick notes
• you both are still at UA

Warning: fluff ☁️

3rd POV

You were in your dorm room hunched over your desk doing your homework .

You needed to finish it for tomorrow even if it had to take the WHOLE day you would finish it.

"(Y/N)" Mei whined as she dragged out your name.

Did I forget to mention Mei was there as well? Well she was and she wanted affection .

She got off of your now messy bed and wrapped her arms around your waist.

"(Y/N) please I need attention" she whined into your back.

You let out a laugh and shake your head "Mei for the last time NO , I need to do homework".

"But I'm your girlfriend I need affection it's part of the contract!" She pointed out.

"What contract?" You ask never taking your eyes off of the paper in front of you.

"The contract you signed when you became my girlfriend/boyfriend/partner you signed the terms and conditions " she replied squeezing your waist.

" Oh really?"

"Yup now" She lifted you up from your chair and threw you onto your bed.

"What- MEI!" You laugh as she quickly crawls on top of you and lies down.

"C'mon you need a break anyways and besides it's only science I can help you with that anyways" she says into your chest.

You sigh deeply but give in and hug the pinkette .

She looks up to you and plops a sweet kiss on your lips.

You smile into the kiss before you pull away and begin to pepper her face with kisses making her giggle.

"Is this enough affection for you?" You ask in between kisses .

"Yup I'm happy now" she giggles .

"Good cause I'm tired" you yawned as you snuggled into Mei's warmth .

"Sleep tight my cuddlebug~" she cooed.

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