Jirou X fem reader : angst fluff ⛈️☁️

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Quick note
• you aren't dating yet

Warning : mentions if blood

3rd POV

It was dark Jirou couldn't see anything she walked around calling out to see if there were people nearby .

She walked through the dark until she tripped over a lump on the ground she turned to look and sees a body .

YOUR body.

Jirou's eyes widened and she quickly crawled to your side and examined your figure to check for any wounds.

There were scratch's and bruises but the one that stood out most to her was the small holes punctured through your throat and forehead.

Your figure was cold and blood trailed down your face and chest .

"Who would do this to you , who would harm one of the kindest people alive who would do this to you (Y/N)" she sobbed.

Jirou placed your head on her lap and cradled you and continued to cry until she noticed her earlobes were covered in red substance.

"You did this" moaned a voice.

"I-I didn't!"

"You hurt the one who you cared for the most" another one stated.


"Then why are you covered in her blood , hero?"another voice taunted .

"I-I didn't do this I would never hurt her! I love her too much!"

"You obviously didn't because if you did she wouldn't be dead on the floor!!!" another voice yelled grabbed her chin making her look at your lifeless body.

"You didn't deserve her!!!" A fifth voice boomed.

"I ALREADY KNEW THAT!" Jirou cried out.

"I already knew that I didn't deserve her , I don't know why she wanted me around but she did , I would never do this to (Y/N)!!" She sobbed.

"Lies! You led her on!"

"You led her down a path of misery and consequences! Now look at her THIS is because of you!"

"How could a victim love their murderer after all they were put through!"

"Say her murderer's name! Say it!"

"K-kyoka J-"


Jirou bolted upwards in her bed she looked down beside her giving her a tired and worried expression.

Jirou looked around the room and noticed it was hers by the band posters and instruments hung up on the walls.

She glanced quickly at her alarm 3:45 and let out a shaky breath.

Before Jirou could do anything she turned to you examining where your injuries were before had now vanished .

Your face was full of life even if it was pitch black Jirou could see your beauty radiating .

Jirou's eyes watered and she immediately went in for one of your warm hugs.

You let out a little oomph before embracing your sobbing girlfriend.

"I-I'm so so-" she choked out before you shushed her.

"It's okay princess it was only a bad dream" you reassured her running your hands though her hair .

Jirou layed her head on your chest and took small shaky breaths before squeezing your waist again.

"I-I love you (Y/N) so much ,more than anything" she whispered .

"I love you too princess now get some rest as long as we're here together no bad dreams can reach us"you hummed.

Jirou relaxed at your fingers running through her hair , your scent , your steady breaths and your heart beat.

Your lovely lively heartbeat that was sweeter than any music Jirou had ever heard .

dude this one sucked I ain't proud of it ★

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