Nicknames pt 2

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Hers for you: Baby Carrot, puppy.

Your quirk is Lycanthropy A WOLF! She's obviously gonna call you puppy. Baby carrot is a reference for my fellow sinners 😏.

Yours for her: Bunny, Hun.

Again it's literal naming can't go wrong with it. Hun was an accident but Mirko thought it was cute when you said it so she made you keep saying it until it became natural .


Hers for you: Waifu/Hubby/Spouse , Cutie.

She can see herself marrying you also tell me you CAN'T hear her saying this it was made for her . Cutie is self explanatory she finds you adorable .

Yours for her: My Weirdo , Queen.

Weirdo is what you called her when you both started hanging out and it stuck so you made a few alterations and started saying MY Weirdo hoping she wouldn't notice. Queen was a request from Camie so you kept saying it to keep her happy .


Hers to you: Lovebug, Babe.

Your her Lovebug because one time she overheard bullies calling you a roach because you seemed like you died but you always came back. So she turned it into a cute nickname for you.

Yours to her: Sunshine .

Well she did almost blind you with her brightness when you both first met so it was only natural really .


Hers to you: Snuggle bug, Sugar lips.

She loves your snuggles so snuggle bug felt fitting to her . Sugar lips is because your kisses are as sweet and tasty as sugar .

Yours to her: Love.

A sweet self explanatory nickname is always cute and nice.

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