First kisses

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Is it just me or is girl Deku kinda hot?😂


It was actually when she confessed to you . She was standing there Infront of the cherry blossom tree pouring her feelings out while she was blushing non stop.

Narrator's POV
Y/N tood there with a soft, dreamy look on her face as she looked at the girl Infront of her pouring her heart of out blushing intensly .

Y/N's gaze followed the girls expression her eyes closed and her cheeks red and her lips moving to every word that came out .

Her/His/Their eyes stayed on Ochako's lips as she leaned forward to the girl .

"I-I'm sorry for wasting your time I should just–?" She was interrupted when a soft pair of lips met her own her eyes widened before fluttering close again .

Y/N pulled away before Ochako could return the kiss leaving the her speechless .

"Sorry I couldn't resist ." Y/N smiled softly " You're too cute , please don't go an angry pomeranian or a shy broccoli might sweep you up if I do–?
Uh Ochako?"

The girls soul left her body she was red in the face and was dazed from the kiss her hands too her sides making her activate her quirk and float off.

"Uh oh! Ochako!"


She kissed you first it was when she was helping you study like the good girlfriend she is and noticed you weren't paying attention.

Narrator's POV
Y/N sighed loudly trying to get her/his/their girlfriends attention but she/he/they didn't flinch . So she/he/they sighed again even louder and more dramatic .

"Y/N -senpai you need to study if you want to pass this class" she said in her 'as a matter of fact' voice.

"But llloooooovvveeeeee! I'm so bored can't we take a break?" Y/N whined.

"Y/N -senpai we took a break 30 minutes and 23 seconds ago , you need to study or else you'll fail the test tomorrow" .


"No buts!" Momo answered .

Y/N pouted and sighed softly before feeling a tap on her/his/their shoulder and a quick pair of lips on hers/his/theirs .

She/He/They kissed back softly before Momo pulled away with tints of pink on her cheeks.

"Now dear no need to pout the sooner you stop pouting the sooner you can study "


You two went to visit your nan and she started playing music and suddenly everyone was dancing except Jiro .

Narrator's POV
Everyone was dancing in the kitchen to the lovely music that was playing except your lovely girlfriend who was leaning against the wall with her arms crossed which made you upset.

"Jiro what's wrong ? Why aren't you dancing ?" You ask leaning with her.

"I don't dance to this music and I just don't dance in general" she mumbled .

"Babe you know I don't talk bullshit c'mon everyone can dance I mean look at Denki he looks like a constipated robot when he dances but he's still doing it" You joke .

Jiro chuckles and gives a small smile " Yeah that's true but still no I can't dance "

You pout at your girlfriend but then an idea pops into your head. You walk over to your nan and ask her to change the music.

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