They Ask About Your Quirk pt 2

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You and Mirko were at home cuddling something you rarely did but when you did your head would always be on her lap . While she petted your ears and tail.

You lean into your girlfriend's soft touch and hummed in response.

She stroked your tail playing with it and admiring its colours .

"(Y/N)? Can I ask you something ?" She asked playing with your ears.

"Mhmm" you hummed in response.

"What can you do with your quirk?" She asked looking you in the eyes.

You sit up on the couch next to her and play with your tail .

"I have enhanced senses , a deadly scratch and bite , quick regeneration and I can turn into a wolf " you say casually still playing with your tail.

"You can turn into a wolf? Like turn into an actual wolf?" She asked with fascination in her eyes.

"Yes I did say that" you say smiling at her reaction.

"Can you show me ?" She asks leaning towards you .

You debate about it in your mind before shrug your shoulders and  stand up from the couch .

You stretch out your arms and crack you knuckles .

Your bone structure starts to change and fur begins to cover your body .

Your bone structure starts to change and fur begins to cover your body

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You walk up towards a impressed Mirko and sit down in front of her.

She scratches yours ear making you way you tail .

"Your wolf form is so pretty "she complimented smiling at how soft and silky your fur was .

" I prefer you human form it's easier to give you kiss and see if you're blushing " she teased .


You and Camie were at your house she was in the living room while you and her phone were in the kitchen.

"Babe can you pass me my phone?" Camie asked for the fifth time.

"Camie you can get up and get it yourself " You huffed not taking your eyes off of your book.

"But I really wanna see you use your quirk! Please babe " She begged you rolled your eyes.

"Camie, for the last time I'm not using my quirk to get your phone  " you say, making Camie pout .

You felt slight guilt when you saw your girlfriend's disappointed face . You sigh and use your quirk to make Camie's phone fly over onto her lap.

She let out a small gasp when her phone landed softly on her lap she turned to you and winked.

" Was that so hard? " She teased leaning over the back of the couch.

You shake you head and bend down and kiss her lips making her giggle and kiss her back.


This was before you guys were dating it was actually the day you both met. You were in the café with the big 3 and Neijire kept asking questions.

" What's your Quirk? I forgot to ask bout it " she asked excitedly .

"My quirk is called Deadpool , it gives me quick regeneration, enhanced human speed, agility ,strength and reflexes, the ability to regrow limbs and the inability to die from a physical attack basically making me a human shield ." You said in a bored tone while playing with a table knife.

"That's so cool! Can you demonstrate?" Asked Neijire and Mirio making you stop and turn to them.

"Wait right now? In the middle of a café? In public? Where people can see me?" You ask hoping they were joking.

They both nodded vigorously making you deadpan and turn to a shaking Tamaki who was covering his eyes.

You shrugged you shoulders "M'kay but if you puke don't blame me" you warned "And for the love of God don't scream".

The two leaned forward ready to see something incredible but instead .

You got your knife and cut off your non dominant hand making them scream .

You and Tamaki covered their mouths to stop them .

"What don't you get by DON'T SCREAM ?" You ask removing your hand from Neijire's mouth.

"I-I'm sorry it just.. caught me off guard " Mirio explained shaking slightly .

You turned to Neijire and waved at her with your cut off hand with a smile.

" So what do you think?" You ask in a teasing tone.

"That was.. so .. AWESOME!" She squealed surprising you .

"But doesn't it hurt?" Mirio asked weakly.

"Not really it's happened so much I've gotten a higher pain tolerance throughout the years" You reply poking Tamaki with your cut off hand.

" That's really cool!" Mirio replied .

"And wanna see the coolest bit?" You asked resting your head on your chin.

"(Y/N) p-please d-don't ,I'm gonna b-be sick.." Tamaki begged covering his eyes on command.

"The don't look " you began before turning to Neijire and Mirio " okay then shake my hand " You finish lifting up your nub.

Mirio lifts up his hands to shake your nub before noticing I had a tiny hand .



You and Mei were where you spent most of eachother's time, which was in the lab at U.A.

You were sat on the table talking about the other classes while Mei was working on a "baby" .

" And what do you think about Midoriya's quirk? It's a lot like All Might's" You point out , swinging your legs back and forth from boredom .

" I think it's powerful but he just needs to control it better, he is cute though so he's okay in my book" Mei replied not taking her eyes off of her "baby".

" Hey, can you pass me the screwdriver? " Mei asks you reply with "sure" before activating your quirk and making the screwdriver float towards Mei.

Mei still not taking her eyes off of her "baby" grabbed the screwdriver and continued working .

"What about your quirk?" She asks trying to keep up the conversation as she tighten a screw with the screwdriver.

" It's Earth manipulation , I can manipulate earth substances and metal, nothing too crazy " you reply.

" Wait metal? So you could make my babies float? " She asks turning to you .

"Yeah watch " you remark making the "baby" float up mid air and bring it back down slowly again .

" That could come in handy when me and you become heroes " she added smiling at you before turning back to her work .

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