Tsu X Fem Reader : lemon 🍋

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Requested by @evanpetersenthusiest

•lemon 🍋
•also mentions of 365 days
• characters are now 18


3rd POV

You and Tsu were sat on your bed scrolling through Netflix on your laptop .

Tsu let out a sigh and gently placed her he'd on your shoulder as her eyes scanned the screen for suggestions.

"Hmmm what about that movie that Denki was talking about?" You ask Tsu reminiscing the conversation you had with the blonde earlier that day.

"What was it called uhhhh.." you closed your eyes and rubbed your temple in thought before the name came to Tsu first.

"Wasn't it "365 days" kero? " She asked placing her index finger on her chin and removing her head from your shoulder.

"Yeah that one I haven't seen it yet so I say we should try it!" You say clicking on the film.

"Kero, I don't know (Y/N) I've seen snippets of the movie it looks-" she explained before you shushed her by placing a finger on her lips.

"Shhh don't spoil it for me please and besides were old enough to watch it , and besides we have midnight as a teacher it can't be that bad" you reason before turning your attention to the screen.

'Kero, this isn't gonna go well'


Halfway through the movie you both were regretting your choices . You were traumatised and as soon as you saw Denki you were going to pummel him through the ground and Tsu got all hot and bothered as she imagined herself and you in certain scenarios like in the film .

You couldn't take anymore as the next scene came on before you closed your laptop making Tsu jump and let out another kero.

"NOPE! Nopity fucking nope!" You groaned covering your eyes , you sighed .

Tsu looked over at you and giggled "I told you we shouldn't watch it ,kero".

You let out a laugh as you run a hair through your hair "Yeah I wish I took your advice but damn ... "

Tsu scooches closer to you before rubbing your shoulder and giving it small pecks giving you affection and comfort after that .

You sigh I content as the pecks became kisses and they began to move to your neck and shoulder blades .

"Tsuyu~" you moan as she reaches a particular part of your neck.

You gasp and cover your mouth before turning to face her and apologise.

You turn to Tsu to see lustful eyes as she darts for your lips knocking you onto your back.

She pins you to the bed and licks your bottom lip asking for an entry.

You open mouth leaving Tsu in before feeling her tongue trace every crevice of your mouth.

She breaks the kiss leaving a string of saliva connecting your lips .

She sits up and looks down on you with a innocent smile as your face turns completely red.

"I want you , kero , you have no " She whispers as she slowly leans back in for a kiss.

You quickly sat up and pin her down to her side of the bed and attack her neck.

The room filled up with her cute soft moans and ribbits. She grabbed you by the collar and smashed her lips back into your before grinding into you.

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