First Kisses pt 2

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You were on a date and Mirko started teasing .

Narrator's POV

You and Mirko were on a date out in the park. And it was extremely warm out so you both went to get ice cream .

You both walked up to a little out sore café and sit down to order and when the waiter arrives you order for the both of you.

You were completely oblivious to the fact that the waiter who took your order was giving you flirty looks .

Unfortunately Mirko wasn't and saw these looks and straight up glared at the waiter making them flee while you weren't looking .

Mirko being the confident person she is started a conversation.

" You look really beautiful today , just thought I'd let you know" she remarked making you look back up at her and give her a smile.

"Thank you so do you " you reply making her smile .

" It's true though your shirt brings out your eyes although it would better on my bedroom floor" she teased resting her chin on her palm making you blush slightly.

" I uhhh-" you were soon interrupted by the waitor with your orders.

"Here you go guys one vanilla and one (f/f) ice cream" you both take your ice creams and you pull out your wallet before the waiter stopped you.

"Oh no need for that it's on the house ,cutie" he remarked giving you a wink making you internally gag before saying a quick thank you.

He left to tend another table also leaving his number under your bowl making Mirko grab the number and shove it into her pocket.

"Poor poor boy , he'll recover" she says sarcastically making you smile.

"Really? Because he WAS pretty cute so you never know " you tease making Mirko chuckle.

" Nah you'd never do that you love me too much" Mirko replied smiling leaning closer to you over the table .

"Do I now? I don't remember saying that" you tease again leaning in as well .

"Might as well say it now while we're here ~" Mirko replied leaning in only inches between you both .

"I love you , Rumi" you say leaning in for a short kiss .

Mirko leans in further and puts her hand at the back of your pulling you closer deepening the kiss.

You pull away breathless and bright red making Mirko chuckle "I love you too (Y/N)~"


You and Camie were in the park babysitting and Camie decided to take some selfies.

Narrator's POV

You and Camie were sitting under a tree whole also keeping an eye on a little girl you were babysitting.

You were reading a book but you were still holding Camie's hand which she thought was super cute of you.

Camie wanted to take some selfies with you to cherish your cuteness forever. So she pulled out her phone and took a picture of you holding her hand.

She tapped your shoulder making you look away from your book.

"Hey babe wanna take a few selfies with me?" She asked groan and roll your eyes .

"Camie you know I don't like selfies and besides I wanna finish reading my book" you whine .

Camie then leaves kisses on your face making you blush you nod making her stop and giggle.

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