Your Quirk and Hero name pt 2

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Pictures below are not mine

Quirk: Lycanthropy

Quirk Effects:
- You can turn into a large wolf.
- Enhanced senses and strength.
- deadly bite and scratch.
- Quick regeneration.
- Can stay in wolf form for as long as you want.

- You have a wolf tail and ears : VERY sensitive.
- You go through heat (a second period yikes)
- You have fangs .
- You can't have chocolate (don't kill me)
- Sore muscles and bones after transformation.
- Staying in your wolf form gets uncomfortable and eventually causes slight pain.

Hero Name: Fenrir

(Trust me if you look it up it's a lot more cooler than it sounds )

(Trust me if you look it up it's a lot more cooler than it sounds )

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Quirk: Telekinesis

(Basically a beginner version of Xavier from X-Men)

Quirk Effects:
- Can move inanimate objects.
- Can make objects and energy orbit around user.
- Force choke
- Can call weapons to one's hand
- Can push/pull objects away to and from the user.
- Can move human beings.
- Can make yourself levitate.
- Can speak to people telepathically

- Headaches / migraines
- you can only move objects that are within 10 feet .
- nosebleeds .

Hero name: Telekin

Hero name: Telekin

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Quirk: Deadpool

( Yes I know how creative of me don't come at me in the comments like for Uraraka's pls)

Quirk Effects:
- You are immune to dying from a physical attack.
- You have incredibly fast regeneration .
- Immune to effects of diseases and infections.
- Regrow limbs and organs .
- Resistant to most drugs and toxins.
- Peak human strength.
- Superhuman stamina , reflexes , agility and speed (meaning more than the average human)
- High pain tolerance.

- A few mental health conditions.
- Immortality.
- Rely on weapons .
- Nightmares.

Hero name : Immortalinx ( Immortal- linx)

Hero name : Immortalinx ( Immortal- linx)

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Quirk: Earth manipulation

Quirk Effects:
- Can create, shape and manipulate earth and "earthen" elements.(basically best girl toph from ATLA)
- Can also manipulate
- sand
- metal
- plants
- Can take multiple hits without taking damage.
- Can make mudslide and quicksand .
- Can make earthquakes
- High pain tolerance

- Sore muscles
- Headaches

Hero Name: Terrain

Hero Name: Terrain

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