Emi X Reader

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Requested by @pxettygxrl

★Quick note
   • You are a librarian at Shikitetsu
   • You two aren't dating ★

3rd POV

Emi skips down the hallway making her way to the school library where the love of her life worked.

It was love at first sight she was looking for a book of dad jokes and puns when she layed her eyes on you .

Her heartbeated so fast that she thought it was going to jump out of her chest. She was speechless at your gentle aura and soft features.

When she turned up to the desk and handed in the book she almost melted at how lovely your voice was. When your hand brushed hers she almost fainted at the soft feel of your skin against hers.

She made it her duty to come back everyday and see you and talk to you.

You two eventually got closer and closer as months went by and before you knew it you both were best friends.

But the school knew you both were more even if it wasn't canon.

Joke leaped through the door and slam her hands on the front desk making them jump.

"Hey (Y/N) !!"

"Oh hey Emi geez do you HAVE to be so loud this is a library after all " you sighed returning to your book.

"Aww c'mon you know you love me~" Joke teased making you let out a laugh and roll your eyes.

"If I like it I'll put a ring on" you joked turning a page.

Joke gave a loving smile that she only showed to you .

"So I'm looking for a new book any recommendations for me?"

You closed your book and grinned "This might be a tad bit unfair BUT I got this one especially for you actually" you stated reaching into the drawer under the desk.

"You got me a gift ? Aw (Y/N) you shouldn't BUT who am I to refuse a gift gimme gimme gimme!" Ms Joke made grabby hands while her heart swelled up at your kindness.

You let out a laugh as you slowly pull out the thick hardback and present it in all its glory.

"Tada! The book of records it goes back 20 years" you stated handing it to Ms Joke as she squealed .

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!!" She hugged the book to her chest as she turned to you and leaned down and pecked your cheek in her surge of happiness.

"I'm gonna read this right after class bye (Y/N)" she called and waved as she ran out of the library .

But what you didn't see was when she left the library she clinged to the closest wall for dear life with a red face and the biggest smile she ever had on her face.

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