Toga x Fem Reader : lemon 🍋

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Warning: lemon 🍋
Requested by emoedgelord1
Hope you enjoy

Toga's POV

I sat at the bar at the LOV base . Twice and I were talking while Dabi left in his opinion every now and then .

It was really boring the base was quiet without (Y/N) . Oh my lovely amazing (Y/N) .

With her sweet features .

Her melodic voice .

Her beautiful personality.


"Alright you can sneak out over the midterm and come back soon " I heard Shiggy's raspy voice mutter in the background.

I mute out the conversation with Twice and lean backwards on my chair to get better hearing in on Shiggy.

I slip off of my chair and make my way over to the rotary phone .

"Okay see ya (Y/N)- wait TOGA!!" I race to Shiggy and snatch the phone out of his hands giggling .

"(Y/N) BABY!! How are you? Are you okay? I miss you!! It's been so long!!" I say over the phone .

I hear chuckles and grumbles behind me but ignore them and savour the sound of her voice.

"*sigh* I'm fine Toga , I miss you too also you need to stop stealing the phone everytime I'm on call"

"But I miss your voice ,when can I see you " I pout , playing with the phone cord around my fingers .

"Midterm is only a few weeks away I'll see you then " I pout in response.

"That's too far away though!!!" I whine .

"Can't be helped bye now "

"Wait don't!- hello? HELLO?" I glare at the phone and give it back to Shiggy.

I dragged myself back to the bar and slumped down on my seat.

I rest my head on the counter feeling Twice's hand pet my hair.

"It's okay Toga you'll see (Y/N) soon- no she won't long distance never lasts anyways-"

"NO! Me and (Y/N) will be together forever so shut up Twicey!!" I snapp

I sat up abruptly from the bar and stomped back to my room only hearing mutters from the main room .

I swung open my door and shut it behind me , I plopped myself on my bed and screamed as loud as I could into my pillow.

I removed my face from my pillow and turned my head facing my nightstand which had a picture of me and (Y/N).

I frowned and buried my face back into my pillow .

Ugh she's everywhere! I can't get her out of my head not that I'd want to but .... I need to see her!

3rd POV

You were in your dorm room preparing yourself for a nice hot shower after a long day if school and training .

You grabbed your towels and your pajamas and headed to your bathroom before you heard a tapping sound.

Tap Tap Tap .

Your eyes widened at the sound before turning around and seeing someone wearing black hoodie covering their face.

Tap Tap Tap.

You heard giggles and saw the figure pull down their hood revealing Toga with a big giddy smile on her face.

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