The oversized hoodie/sweatshirt/shirt she steals from you pt 1

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Oh how the turns have tabled!


- She asked you for it every single time she wanted to wear it so you just ended up telling her that she didn't need permission to wear it

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- She asked you for it every single time she wanted to wear it so you just ended up telling her that she didn't need permission to wear it.

- She wears your hoodies when she's waiting for you and it's usually when you're training or went out.

- She loves this hoodie especially because it soft ,warm and smells like you.

- So when she's sad and you aren't there she puts it on and it makes her feel like you're hugging her .

- If you are wearing it while she's at your dorm she'll pout and wait till you get back and ask for you to take it off so she can wear it.

- She'll wear it out in the dorms or in public and blush a little if people ask about it.

- If you're under 5'1 or exactly 5'1 it would go just an inch or two above mid thigh..

- If you're above 5'1 then it would go between mid thigh and below her knee depending on your height.


- She doesn't wear it that much because she doesn't see the point in it when she could make herself an exact replica

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- She doesn't wear it that much because she doesn't see the point in it when she could make herself an exact replica .

- BUT she will wear it when you aren't around as in if you are out of the city or country she'll slip it on every once and a while.

- She loves the smell of it and will only wear it when she really wants to so she doesn't get rid of the scent.

- Since she doesn't wear it often she'll only wear it if she's with the girls or by herself.

- If you are under 5'8 or exactly 5'8 then it would be still a small bit oversized just an inch or two below her hip or above mid thigh.

- If you are above 5'8 (then you are a fucking giant) it would go between below her hip and thigh depending on your height.


- She will steal it a lot especially if it's cold

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- She will steal it a lot especially if it's cold .

- She loves this hoodie a lot so you won't see it for a couple of weeks and if you do she'll want it back after it smells like you again .

- She'll won't wear it around the dorms but she'll wear it if it's just her and girls or you .

- If she's going out of town she'll take it with her so part of you can go with her and will wear it when you both facetime .

- If you are below 4'11 or exactly 4'11 than it would be mid thigh (because it's a big hoodie and I want it so bad 😭).

- If you are above 4'11 than it would go to her knee's and below depending on your height.


- She will wear it if it's only the two of you alone

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- She will wear it if it's only the two of you alone .

- She will steal it for a few days and wear it if it gets cold at night.

- She pretends like she doesn't like wearing your hoodie but will reluctantly give it back if you ask for it.

- In a way it makes her feel safe in a way because it has your scent , natural warmth and soft touch.

- If you are under 5'0 or exactly 5'0 it would only go mid thigh.

- If you are above 5'0 it would go above her knee or below depending on your height.


- This hoodie might as well not be yours Mina will only give it back when it stops smelling like you

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- This hoodie might as well not be yours Mina will only give it back when it stops smelling like you.

- She'll wear it EVERYWHERE and nobody would ask about it because they know it's yours just by how happy Mina is .

- She will wear it at sleepovers with the girls and the 5 of them can show off their hoodies they stole from their girlfriends.

- If you are 5'2 or exactly 5'2 then it would go slightly above mid thigh.

- If your are over 5'2 it would go mid thigh under depending on your height.

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