Couple moments PT 1

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3rd Pov

It was around 12 o clock at night and Uraraka couldn't get to sleep at all her brain kept her up and her body just wouldn't let her go to sleep.

It didn't help that you were right next to her your back facing towards her and you didn't make a sound all night and she didn't want to wake you up .

She rolled onto her side and played with her hair before her eyes landed on your pajama shirt .

Her eyes traced the pattern on your shirt before she slowly started to trace her fingers along your back .

She bit her lip in thought before she started tracing letters on your back.

I love you.

She smiled and moved closer to you where her chest was against your back she wrapped her arm around you before snuggling into your back.

"I love your to" you whispered softly as you turned over to face her and pull her into a warm embrace .

Uraraka gladly sighed in content as she pressed a soft kissed to your lips before snuggling into your embrace.

3rd POV

You layed on Momo's lap as she ran a hand through your hair while she held a open book in the other.

"Babe you could literally have a baby without getting pregnant" you blurted out.

"(Y/N) take a nap-"

3rd POV

You and Tsu were looking after her siblings for the day and decided to take them to the park .

You as the child you still are played with them while also went back to Tsu to give her attention too.

You and Tsu decided to hang around the monkey bars before you had the nice idea to hang upside down.

You poked Tsu's shoulder and puckered your lips.

"What are you doing (Y/N) ?" Tsu giggled as she turned to you .

"Trying to kiss you" you pout.

"You're gonna fall"

"Shh hurry up and give me kisses I'm getting lightheaded"

3rd POV

"Are you .... blushing?" You ask as a smile graced your features.

"What, no " Jirou dismissed avoiding eye contact.

"Did I (Y/N) get the ever-stoic , hardcore , total badass Jirou Kyoka to blush ?" You suggest giggling as Jirou rolled her eyes and blushed even more.

"No.. it's .. it's the cold" she explained.

"Huh. It's the cold. And not the fact that I told you "your adorable in every way shape and form" ?" You ask raising an eyebrow.

"N-No " she mutters as her voice cracks and she turns darker red.

3rd POV

"Hey (Y/N) can you bring me a glass of water?" Mina called from the living room.

"Maybe if you ask nicely" you reply.

"OH wonderful , beautiful and talented (Y/N) please bring me a glass of your finest H2O so I may gaze upon your beauty!" She called out dramatically.

The room was silent before she heard the tap running and stopping .

You then walked in with your book and a glass of water . You hand it to Mina giving her a peck on the cheek.

"That's more like it" you answer making her giggle as you plop down on the couch next to her .

★ I am alive! So here you go! Creativity is rare these days. I tried★

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