Their Favourite Colour On You

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She thinks it's a very neutral colour and that it suits you. She might be calm on the outside but on the inside she's fangirling so hard over your cuteness. She thinks it brings out more of your innocence which makes her heart swoon.



She loves to see you wear big maroon sweaters she feels like it's such an aesthetic when you do. She also just likes the colour on you and how it suits your personality and gives you a more warm aura than your usual cold one .


Pastel purple

She loves to see you wear pastel colours because she thinks you look so cute and soft . She loves pastel purple mainly because it's one of her favourite colours in general and it makes her happy to see you wear her favourite colour.



Loud and bright just like her ,also she thinks you look really hot when you wear orange and she's not gonna not tell you that . She loves the colour on you in general and that you should wear it more often to show the world how hot her girlfriend/boyfriend/lover is .

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