Chapter 48: Jake?

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Iwaizumi woke up and checked the clock which read 5:48am he'd barely gotten any sleep. It wasn't just because of his jet lag but also due to what had happened last night when the got back. He kept repeating the words Oikawa'a coach has said.

Sighing he turned his face to look at a sleeping Oikawa with his head on Iwaizumi's chest. Iwaizumi's hand found its way to Oikawa'a hair. Iwaizumi started running his hands through Oikawa's brown locks.

"They've gotten longer." Iwaizumi whispered to himself.

"I know." A sleepy Oikawa voice replied.

"Did I wake you?" Iwaizumi asked removing his hand from Oikawa's hair.

"What's on your mind?" Oikawa asked as he hugged Iwaizumi tighter. "Is it what Coach said?" Oikawa asked.

Iwaizumi did not reply.

"Look," Oikawa said as he moved a bit to place his chin on Iwaizumi's chest so his face was looking at Iwaizumi's "it's nothing you should worry about. Plus if you think too hard it'll just make it worse."

"I'm so-"

"Don't you dare apologize!" Oikawa cut Iwaizumi off and sat up facing Iwaizumi.


"Don't apologize for having a good time with me. It was out very first official date so smile about it." Iwaizumi just rolled his eyes.

"What you should be apologizing for is flirting with that red head." Oikawa muttered under his breath.

"What?" Iwaizumi asked.

"Oh nothing." Oikawa said flapping his hand in the air.

"Tell me." Iwaizumi said popping himself up on his elbows.

"It's nothing." Oikawa said and lay back down and turned his back to Iwaizumi.

Iwaizumi flipped Oikawa around to lay on his back with Iwaizumi towering over him. Their eyes met but Oikawa broke away pouting to the side.

"I was jealous." Oikawa said. "Of you talking to the red head."

"Why?" Iwaizumi asked still towering on top of Oikawa on all fours.

"Because!" Oikawa turned to face and then looked aside again. "It was a date and we were supposed to spend time together."

Iwaizumi signed.

"I was nervous, okay?" Iwaizumi told Oikawa. "I'd never been to a place like that." Iwaizumi told Oikawa closing his eyes.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Oikawa asked looking up and Iwaizumi.

"I could see how much you were enjoying and I didn't want to spoil the night for you." Iwaizumi said still his eyes shut.

Oikawa'a hands found their way to Iwaizumi's face and cupped his face. Bringing his head up Oikawa pecked Iwaizumi on the lips. And pulling away he said.

"Next time tell me and we'll leave immediately."

"But that's what I didn't want. I liked the club but it was just so open and back home-"

"There aren't places like here. I know that's why I wanted to bring you here." Oikawa told Iwaizumi still cupping his face. Iwaizumi opened his emerald green eyes to meet with Oikawa's brown ones.

"I wanted you to see that you can be open and free to be whoever you are. Without having the fear of being judged." Oikawa told Iwaizumi smiling.

Iwaizumi bent down and kissed Oikawa and when was about to pull away Oikawa leg locked him and kissed him harder. The kiss began to get hot and Iwaizumi's hand found its way inside Oikawa's shirt. Iwaizumi's cold hand's contact Oikawa hot body sent shivers down Oikawa body making Oikawa arched his back to the touch.

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