Chapter 2: Thanks for saving my life

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During high school, they had a passionate but absolute worse romance. They were best friends and lovers but issues piled up like mountains. Barely after a year, they split. Right before their graduation, they had the worst falling out.

Oikawa sat on the roof. It's been 3 whole days since he saw Iwaizumi. He had so many questions but didn't have the guts to ask him. He blamed himself for the screwup that happed.

Sitting on the roof reminded him of the good old days. When Iwaizumi and he sat on the roof discussing their new tactics. Just then he heard loud footsteps as if someone was running. Who'd be out on a run in such cold weather at this time? he asked himself.

He tried to focus on a figure that was coming closer and closer. It was Iwaizumi.

Dressed in only a pair of shorts and a tee. Now that's the Iwaizumi he remembered.

"Are you mad?!" Just then Oikawa realized he said that out loud. he cursed himself on of his stupidity.

"What're you doing up there?" Iwaizumi had stopped and now was looking up at Oikawa.

"" Oikawa started to squirm and slid down the roof to the edge hanging by one hand.

"Shit!" Iwaizumi cursed before rushing to Oikawa. "Let go, I'll catch you." He told him. "Like hell!" Oikawa replied in a loud voice that could wake up the neighbors. Just then Oikawa lost his grip and fell on Iwaizumi.

"Ouch" Iwaizumi exclaimed. "Told you! You couldn't catch me." Oikawa replied sarcastically. "Shut up shitty-kawa." Now that was something that Oikawa had been called oh so many times and made him shiver. A cold breeze washed over them.

Getting up Oikawa gave Iwaizumi a hand but he ignored it getting up on his own holding his back.

"Fuck, you're heavy." Iwaizumi told Oikawa. Oikawa gasped as if being hurt. "How dare you!" He replied.

"What were you doing up on the roof though?" Iwaizumi asked Oikawa. "I couldn't sleep." He replied.

"You'll catch a cold in that." Oikawa pointed at Iwaizumi's attire. "I'll take my chances." Iwaizumi was clearly annoyed.

"Come in have some coffee." Oikawa offered. "No thanks." Iwaizumi replied, warming up so continue his run.

"Come on one cup won't hurt." Oikawa smiled. "It'd be a 'thanks for saving my life' gift."

They sat silently sipping on coffee. Oikawa noticed the wedding ring on Iwaizumi's right hand.

"So what's his name?" Oikawa asked gulping down half the cup of coffee. "His name?" Iwaizumi asked confused.

"Your husband's name, obviously," Oikawa replied rolling his eyes.

"You mean my wife's name." Iwaizumi corrected Oikawa. "You never came out to your parents??" Oikawa asked shocked.

"That's none of your business." Iwaizumi replied finishing his coffee.

"Like hell it is!" Oikawa slammed his hand on the table.

"Keep it down, boys." Oikawa's mom came into the kitchen.

"Sorry ma" Oikawa apologized.

"Hajime are you having breakfast with us." Oikawa's mom basically stated than asked.

"No auntie, I've gotta get going it's already getting pretty late." Iwaizumi sincerely declined the offer.

"Oh, it's okay dear next time then."

"Yes definitely." Replied heading out the door. "And bring Isuzu too!" She called out.

"Is Izusu Iwaizumi's wife?" Oikawa asked his mom. "No no darling that's his daughter." She corrected him.

"You two sure have a lot to catch up on."

"Daughter??" Oikawa exclaimed.


Yup he has a daughter!

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