Chapter 51: Thats it folks

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"Do you know I'm pregnant with your child Oikawa Toru?"

"Do you know I'm pregnant with your child Oikawa Toru?"

"Do you know I'm pregnant with your child Oikawa Toru?"

'He didn't even deny it...'

Iwaizumi stood in his lounge in front of the television with his phone in his right hand. It felt like minutes passed by but Iwaizumi stood still in that same position unmoving.

'The lipstick....'

Is all that crossed Iwaizumi's brain before the phone rang. Iwaizumi didn't need to check who it was he knew it was Oikawa he let it ring again and again before it ended. A minute later his phone with ringing again and this time it was a message. Bring his phone up to his eye level he saw it was from Oikawa.

'WE WON!!! You're probably asleep right now so call me when you see this <3"

Iwaizumi without thinking clicked on the call button right above the text message he'd received. Oikawa immediately picked up.

"IWACHANNNN" Oikawa screamed in the phone. "We won! We fucking won and you won't believe it but I actually used the cross co-"

"I was watching it..." Iwaizumi trailed off. "You didn't deny the question..."

"What question?" Oikawa asked dumbfoundedly.

The line was silent. That's when it hit Oikawa. Iwaizumi said he saw the match which means he probably saw the interviewers too. And heard that question...

"I was watching the whole match on tv." Iwaizumi spat.


"Tell me the truth did you sleep with that women?" Iwaizumi asked through gritted teeth.


"I was going to tell you but the time wasn't right and it was a honest mistake and I wasn't even my fault not exactly-"

"It's never your fault is it?" Iwaizumi said in a cold tone.

"Iwa I-"

"You know I found a lipstick underneath your bed," Iwaizumi paused to see if Oikawa was listening and a loud gulp sound made him sure.

"I didn't question you...cause I trusted you and now..." Iwaizumi trailed off as he massaged his temples.

"You can still trust me I swear it was all a mistake and that women is probably lying cause I used a-" it was like Oikawa git hit with a bat.

'Did he use a condom?'

Before Oikawa to continue the phone call Iwaizumi had ended the call.

Iwaizumi went to his room and poured himself a glass of bourbon lying in his liquor cabinet in the corner of his room. He knew he shouldn't be drinking at this time with him having the morning shift at the hospital but he couldn't help himself. He found a pack of cigarettes in his bedside drawer and lit one up. Taking a long drag from it he let the smoke out of his nostrils.

He was ragging at the sas time hurt. He sat at the corner of his bed with the glass of bourbon in one hand with the cigarette in the other. A stray tear left his eye and he immediately rubbed it away with the back of his arm.

'I told him I loved him' Iwaizumi thought to himself. 'What a fool I was.'

Oikawa sat in the locker room with a towel around his neck and his his head in his palms. Tears threatening to spill. He'd really fucked up this time.

"You good bro?" Jake stood in front of Oikawa drying his hair with a towel.

"Yeah..." Oikawa's voice slightly cracked.

"You don't look okay." Jake said looking at Oikawa with concern.

"Just tired that's all." Oikawa just gave a weak smile and got up. "Gonna head home now." Oikawa told Jake exiting the locker room without even glancing back at Jake.

"Doctor Iwaizumi patient number 34 is waiting for you in room 6." The nurse announced to Iwaizumi breaking him out of his chain of thoughts.

"Uh yes, I'll be there in just a moment." Iwaizumi informed the nurse as she exited Iwaizumi's office.

Slapping his cheeks Iwaizumi told himself to get it together. Just when he was about to leave his office his phone rang again.

Oikawa had been calling him constantly since they last talked and Iwaizumi didn't feel like picking up after what went down. He muted his phone and headed out of his office to room 6.

They day lasted very long and was an excruciating one. Iwaizumi was exhausted as he'd barely gotten any sleep the night before and a headache was on its way. He cured himself for drinking.

Around 8pm Iwaizumi got home and made dinner for Isuzu and himself afterwards he helped his daughter with some of her remaining homework and went over the ones she's done. Around 10pm he got done with with all the paperwork he had and cooking up lunch for tomorrow and stacking up in the fridge and making Isuzu's lunchbox. Going to his room he grabbed some ice for his drink.

Iwaizumi stood in his room looking outside the window with a cigarette in his left hand with his phone in the right. Sighing he opened the phone to see he'd gotten over 60 miss calls from Oikawa and around 100 messages for him to call Oikawa back and long apologizing ones. Iwaizumi didn't give much attention to the messaged and didn't even care to read them except the last two.

'I know I fucked up please call me back I can explain everything.'

'It was all a mistake it never meant anything I was drunk and missing you and we'd had that fight...and I'm really sorry! I love you and only love you.'

Iwaizumi tsk-ed at the messages. Just when he was about to take another drag of his cigarette his phone started to buzz. It was Oikawa. Sighing he picked up.

"I'm really sorry Iwaizumi I can explain everything-"

"This happened weeks before I came according to you text. And you're blaming it out our stupid miss understanding??" Iwaizumi said out loud in an angry tone.

"I-It didn't mean anything I promise it was a mistake I'll regret forever! I never meant to hurt you-"

"Hurt me?" Iwaizumi laughed bitterly. "And this kind of mistakes can not be undone you know."

"Coach has sent someone to go talk to the interviewer to drop the false lie from circulating on social media cause it's not true! It can't be true."

"What if it is? What will you do."

"I'll get it abo-"

"What if she wants to keep it even though you don't." Iwaizumi asked Oikawa. "You can't force her to do something she doesn't after all end of the day she's carrying the baby."

"Again! She's not carrying anything it's probably all a lie to get publicity for the news channel." Oikawa cried out.

"How do you know! She must have proof cause no one would make up such a lie. It's no joke." Iwaizumi spat out to Oikawa in anger starting to bubble inside him.

"B-but but-"

"I told you I love you for gods sake and do you know how long it took me? Do you???"

"Iwaizumi I-"

"Honestly Oikawa I can't do this anymore." Iwaizumi sighed in to the phone.

"What do you mean?!" Oikawa cried out his voice breaking.

"I need to space. Bye." Iwaizumi cut the call before Oikawa could say something back.

Throwing the phone on his bed Iwaizumi felt his cheeks were wet. He hadn't realized he'd started tearing up.

"Fuck" he cursed throwing the glass on the floor in anger.

Sliding down the wall his his back leaned upon he put his head between his knees and the tears started to spill. He didn't know if it was angry or was it hurt or was it a mix of both.


Well this was a short chapter :/

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