Chapter 22: Doesn't concern you

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"So what did the doc say?" Oikawa asked Iwaizumi on call.

"Nothing that concerns you." Iwaizumi replied bluntly. "Why'd you call anyways?"

"Felt like it." Oikawa's response rolling onto his stomach.

"I'm at work." Iwaizumi told him.

"I know...can we meet up?" Oikawa asked Iwaizumi.

"I've got a double shift today." Iwaizumi told Oikawa.

"Why do you always take double shifts?" Oikawa asked pouting to himself.

"Unlike you, I've got a family to support." Iwaizumi told him completely bluntly. That stung Oikawa in the heart.

"Okay..bye," Oikawa told him before cutting the call.

"Bye-" Iwaizumi started but was cut off by Oikawa cutting the call.

It was around 10 and Oikawa hadn't done much today. He didn't have to babysit Isuzu cause she having a night spend at her grandma's. He felt bored. But mostly hurt.

'Why?' Oikawa asked himself he was feeling so pissed and hurt. He was right he thought. 'I don't have a family to support.'

"I should go out and enjoy," Oikawa told himself. Getting out of bed he went and changed into a pair of black skinny jeans and a semi-formal button-down shirt.

"Ma I'm heading out." He called out to his mother before grabbing his trench coat and heading out the door.

"Yeah Makki you free?" Oikawa called up Makki.

"I'm out with Mattsun," Makki replied. Oikawa could hear music in the background.

"Text me the location," Oikawa told him before cutting the phone.

Oikawa followed the location from google maps and came outside a club. Getting out of the car he was kind of nervous so he took a deep breath and told himself 'I should have fun I'm not- ah fuck it.' and entered the club.

Looking around he found Makki waving a hand from the far right corner of the club. They were sitting with a woman.

"Hey bro," Mattsun said giving Oikawa a side hug. "Where've you been hiding," Mattsun asked Oikawa and Oikawa just laughed it off.

"Nothing man just chilling at home," Oikawa told Mattsun getting a stare from Makki. Makki sat next to a beautiful blond.

"Oh and this," Mattsun introduced the blond woman "this is my wife Kou." Mattsun smiled.

Oikawa nodded to her and gave her a smile.

"I've heard a lot about you Oikawa." She told Oikawa.

"Ooo I'm interested....what have you heard about me?" Oikawa asked.

"Just praises from Matty."

"Matty?" Oikawa questioned.

"Oh, I call him Matty." She smiled putting a hand on Mattsun's shoulder.

"Ooo nice I call nicknamed him Mattsun in high school." Oikawa chuckled "I like Matty more now that I say it more." Oikawa put a finger under his chin and looked up.

"Come on let's have some drinks!" Oikawa said.

"Yesss." All three said in unison.

"Bartender one round of tequila shots!" Oikawa shouted to the bartender over the loud music.

Oikawa was on his third shot when he started to feel it go to his head. Oikawa felt adrenaline.

"Let's dance!" Oikawa shouted to Makki, Mattsun and Kou. They followed him to the dance floor.

While dancing Oikawa felt his phone buzz and he ignored it and continued to dance.

About almost 2 hours later Mattsun and Kou said bye and headed out where now leaving Makki and Oikawa dancing on the floor.

Oikawa's jeans pocket kept buzzing so he took the phone out and saw it was Iwaizumi. He wanted to answer it but not as well. So he didn't pick up instead cut the call.

"Hey Makki hold on to my phone would ya," Oikawa asked Makki.

"Yeah sure." Makki took his phone and kept it while he had his beer and Oikawa ran back to the dance floor.

An hour later Makki excused himself and was out in the parking lot when he felt buzzing in the back of his pocket. It was Oikawa's phone.

Iwachan calling...

Before he could answer it the call ended. Just then he saw he had 18 messages and 13 missed calls from Iwaizumi.

Re-entering the club Makki tried looking for Oikawa. Just then the Oikawa's phone started ringing again.

Iwachan calling...

"Hello," Makki picked up.

"You can't even pick up a phone call you piece of shit!" Iwaizumi cursed loudly on the phone.

"It's Makki."

"Oh sorry about that.." Iwaizumi apologized. "Where's Oikawa?" Iwaizumi asked in a worried tone.

"We're at the 'Toxic' club he was with me a few minutes back but I can't find him now." Makki tried explaining it to Iwaizumi.

"What?!" Iwaizumi screamed into the phone." "Please tell me he wasn't drinking." Iwaizumi pinched the bridge of his nose.

"We had just 4 rounds but he had at least 7 I tried stopping him but he wouldn't listen.

"Okay stay there I'm coming." Iwaizumi told Makki before cutting the phone call.


Guys I'm thinking of updating 2 times a week...What do you guys say?

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