Chapter 24: Oh really now?

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"I think I'm gonna puke," Oikawa said as he woke up suddenly and rushed out of the bed to the nearest bath.

He puked his guts out. One after another there was no stopping. He felt a hand rubbing slow circles on his back. Making Oikawa tense up a bit. Looking around he noticed he was in Iwaizumi's bathroom.

"Iwa-" he started but vomit came his way.

"Shh.." Iwaizumi said as he continued to rub slow circular motions on Oikawa's back. "Less talking more puking."

After his fourth puke Oikawa finally stopped. Sitting next to the toilet he took a deep breath. His eyes were watering he felt was weak cause he'd basically flushed all his insides out just now.

Iwaizumi got a towel and cleaned the sides of Oikawa's mouth and helped him get up.

"I've got an extra toothbrush you can use and then come downstairs okay." Iwaizumi told him.

Oikawa just nodded.

After 30 minutes of waiting for Oikawa Iwaizumi head back upstairs to his room to check up on Oikawa.

Coming upstairs he heard sobbing. Entering his room he saw Oikawa sitting on the bed with his chin on his knees and arms around his legs just like a little kid who'd been scolded.

Iwaizumi walked slowly to Oikawa and bend down making eye level with Oikawa. He removed his hands from his face.

"What's wrong?" Iwaizumi asked in a soft voice.

"I messed up...I'm sorry" Oikawa's tears started rolling down his cheeks faster.

"Come on stand up." Iwaizumi told Oikawa as he stood up.

Iwaizumi wiped Oikawa'a tears with his hands and then cupping his face.

"What are you sorry about?" Iwaizumi asked.

"I-I di-didn't mean t-to-" Oikawa stuttered.

"To drinking like a drunkard and then ending up crying in a bathroom stall-"

"I what??" Oikawa exclaimed.

"The thing I want to ask you is," Iwaizumi looked at Oikawa with a serious face. "why did you go drink so much? You know you can't handle alcohol well."

"Well- I just felt like it." Oikawa pouted and looked to the side.

"Oh really now?" Iwaizumi asked lifting a brow. "Look me in the eye and tell me." Iwaizumi said but Oikawa still looked at the opposite side.

"Look at me damn it." Iwaizumi held his face and turned it to face him.

Oikawa's eyes were full of tears he was holding back.

"Hey hey, what's wrong?" Iwaizumi said in a softer tone. In reply Oikawa just hugged Iwaizumi burying his face into the cork of Iwaizumi's neck.

"I just wanted to my mind off of stuff," Oikawa said in a muffled voice.

"What kind of stuff?" Iwaizumi asked him patting Oikawa back slowly. "You can talk to me." Iwaizumi told Oikawa.

"Doesn't concern you," Oikawa said bluntly.

"Okay.." Iwaizumi replied kind of confused.

"Why do you do that." Oikawa pulled half away from the hug his arms still around Iwaizumi's shoulder. Their faces are just a mere inch away from one another.

"Do what?" Iwaizumi asked confused. Oikawa rolled his eyes. "What?" Iwaizumi asked again.

"Push me out," Oikawa sighed. "I want to be able to help you and be with you but you keep shutting the door on my face."

Iwaizumi looked a bit confused before asking. "Is it about our call yesterday?"

"YES!" Oikawa exclaimed throwing his hands up.

"If you keep shutting me out how will we work? I want to be with you as a partner as a lover as a person you can talk you." Oikawa breaking the hug and taking a step back.

"Oikawa-" Iwaizumi started but Oikawa turned his face around and walked a few feet away.

"You know I love you, I've always loved you..please don't shut m-me out." Oikawa's voice cracked by the end of the sentence.

"The chemo isn't working." Iwaizumi sad out of the blue making Oikawa's head spin around within a second.

"It's improved her condition but they'll have to admit her for a week weeks to see her progress."

Oikawa within a split second was hugging Iwaizumi tightly and Iwaizumi hugged him back with the same strength which was kinda more squeezer than Oikawa's but could bear it.

  Have you ever had to take care of a drunk friend of yours?

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