Chapter 64: Room 14

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As Iwaizumi exited the department head's office he made his way to his office to take a breather before he'd head back to room 14.

As he made his way to his office a few of his colleagues came and asked him about Isuzu and how she's doing now. As when she was rushed to the hospital almost everyone that worked here got to know about it and it wasn't like most of the staff already knew about her condition.

Walking through the frosted white walls of the halls Iwaizumi's mind traveled to Oikawa and that he'd just kissed him out of the blue after he'd given him such a big hearing about how he'd...


Iwaizumi told himself.

'How could I...?'

It had been months since Iwaizumi had seen Oikawa, at least face to much as Iwaizumi tried to not thinking or looking at Oikawa he'd pop up everywhere he went. From his daughter constantly asking about Oikawa to seeing his interviews on the television.

As much as Iwaizumi tried he couldn't get rid of Oikawa not just looking at him but from his heart. He'd never imagined that he'd get to see Oikawa ever again after their fight in high school. It wasn't the first time they're fought but it was the biggest fight they'd had.

Oikawa had gone to his house and told his father that Iwaizumi was gay and that he and Oikawa had been together for over four months and that all happened right in front of Iwaizumi. As he'd just gotten home with his mother and was bringing in the groceries when he'd heard the conversation go down between his father and Oikawa.

The moment it happened his father saw Iwaizumi back in the corner holding the groceries and demanded an answer that this all was so kind of joke of their playing a prank or something. Iwaizumi father looked at Iwaizumi with rage and demanded Iwaizumi to tell him Oikawa was just playing a prank.

That's when Oikawa grabbed Iwaizumi from the collar of his uniform and kissed Iwaizumi. Iwaizumi was left eye opened in shock of what just happened and that's when his eyes lay on his father that looked at him with disgust.

Iwaizumi pushed Oikawa off and called him disgusting and that he'd never wanted to see his face. He'd just said it out of anger at the time but Oikawa took it and left just like that without another word to Iwaizumi. And left him with his parents constant disappointment in him more than they already were in him.

So Iwaizumi knew what he had to do. He had to become the perfect son to not disappoint his parents more than they already were. His father constantly told him he'd had a bad feeling about Oikawa from the start and he should've stepped in and not allowed them to get affiliated with one another.

As much as Iwaizumi hated the way his father spoke about Oikawa he couldn't do anything about it besides just say quite and listen to him. He was just 17 at the time when all this happened end hopped by the time he'd be 18 that was soon just after graduation he could get out of his parents house and be with Oikawa but Oikawa had already made new plans.

Plans without Iwaizumi in them.

The day of the graduation Iwaizumi tried to talk to Oikawa but it went all wrong and Iwaizumi lost his temper and so did Oikawa that just made their situation even worse than it had become due to that incident.

Iwaizumi's plans to be with Oikawa went all down the drain and left him broken and he blamed himself for the longest time until he met a brunette women he didn't know he'd be calling his wife in the near future.

Iwaizumi had fallen in love with her or at least what he told himself so he could move on. They had one thing in common that they both had gone through a shitty break up. Iwaizumi asked her out but she'd turned in down and told him she was not ready for a serious relationship until a few months after they'd started to having a few hook ups time to time. They'd always end up with them spending the next day with each other and then not meeting for days but when they did they'd have this spark.

Before they could officially say they were dating she'd gotten pregnant and they barely got any chance to date and it was direct to marriage. But Iwaizumi was in love with her. He was confused for a long time period after he'd met her. He was confused if he was gay or not and eventually came to terms he was bisexual. Thus, he felt it was alright to love a women even though he'd once loved a man.

After getting married Iwaizumi did whatever he could to make a conformable life for her and their child to come in to the world. Iwaizumi worked hard.

When his daughter came in to the world Iwaizumi and his wife (Suzuki) named their daughter after their own names...'I' from Iwaizumi and 'Suzu' from her name thus naming their daughter 'Isuzu'.

They were living a happy life until they found out their baby girl had 'Lymphoma' that was on after her seventh birthday when Isuzu had started feeling intense pain in her abdomen and got fever of 104 for four days and was rushed to the ER.

Iwaizumi took every extra shift he could to be able from that day onwards to support his family. Iwaizumi over worked himself to the point he'd have back to back shifts and would stay out of hime nights and would come the next morning for just a few hours just to sleep before having to go back to work.

Then one day he'd come home his daughter sleeping in front of the front door and had gotten confused to why she'd been sleeping there and picked her up and took her to her room. He went back to his room looking fro his wife he'd looked all around the house he'd even tried calling her cell phone but there came no reply. All Iwaizumi found was a note on the fridge saying...

"I can't do this anymore.
Please don't contact me."

Suzuki and Iwaizumi had started having some arguments after they'd found out about Isuzu's illness. But Iwaizumi had never imagined she'd get up and leave out of nowhere leaving him and their daughter on their own....

Entering his office he saw her. The brunette women he'd been with for the past 8 years...Suzuki, his wife. She stood there tapping her foot with her bag on the table.

"We need to talk." Suzuki stated. As she walked forward towards Iwaizumi.


Btw I don't know if you guys have picked up but...the numbers I use like the apartment '104' and the room '14' are all linked to their jerseys number...just wanted to let you guys know 😊💙

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