Chapter 65: The talk

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"We need to talk." Suzuki stated. As she walked forward towards Iwaizumi.

"We do actually." Iwaizumi said as he closed the door behind him.

"Why is he here?" Suzuki asked.

"Why are you here?" Iwaizumi asked.

"I'm her moth-"

"You were." Iwaizumi cut Suzuki off.

"Excuse me?" Suzuki asked in a loud tone clearly offended.

"You stopped being her mother the day you left." Iwaizumi said as he loudly smacked his hand on the table that startled Suzuki.

"You left her," Iwaizumi said. "You left me. You left us." Iwaizumi told her as he looked up at her with eye full of pain and anger at the same time.

"I-I couldn't watch her d-"

"Don't you dare say it!" Iwaizumi said greeting his teeth. "Don't you dare!" Iwaizumi repeated.


"Don't Hajime me." Iwaizumi told her in an angry tone. "She'll be fine. No she's be perfect, healthy and back the way she was."Iwaizumi said as his voice cracked between words.

Suzuki walked forward towards Iwaizumi when Iwaizumi held a hand in front of him making Suzuki take a step back.

"Can you please leave." Iwaizumi said. "I need a moment."

"Okay, I'll leave." Suzuki said as she took her bag and walked towards the door before she opened it she said "I'll leave this office but I'm staying this time." And she left.

Iwaizumi took off his doctors coat and hung it on the coat hanger in the corner. The he sat down on his office hair and put his elbows on his desk while he but his head in his palms and began to sob.

After a few minutes he wiped his eyes and stood up and fixed his shirt and took off the doctors coat off the coat hanger and put it on.

"I can do this." Iwaizumi told himself as he slapped his cheeks with both his hands.

Exiting his office Iwaizumi made his way towards the elevators and headed up to the first floor. Reaching the hall way where room 14 was he saw Oikawa standing outside the room with his his cell phone on his ear talking. From Oikawa's facial expressions it seemed like it was a serious conversation.

Iwaizumi waked slowly up to Oikawa. As he did he saw Oikawa ending the call.

"You should really head back..." Iwaizumi told Oikawa.

"Are you serious?" Oikawa asked. When Iwaizumi didn't reply Oikawa continued. "I'm not going anywhere."

"Isn't the fall tournament coming up?" Iwaizumi said as he put his hands in his doctors coat's pockets.

"How do you know about that?" Oikawa asked a bit surprised that Iwaizumi knew about that. As Oikawa didn't expect Iwaizumi to keep up with volleyball matches since he'd stopped playing.

"I over heard auntie talking about it." Iwaizumi looked to his side where he saw a nurse pass by giving him a small smile which Iwaizumi nodded towards in acknowledgment.

"Yeah but that isn't till August." Oikawa said as he waved it off with his hand.

"That's just over a month away." Iwaizumi said.

"That's plenty of tim-"

"Why're you here?" Iwaizumi finally asked cutting off Oikawa.

"Why do you think?" Oikawa said as he turned to face Iwaizumi and thats when Iwaizumi's eyes locked with Oikawa.

"I once told you I wanted to be there for you and for Isuzu and I-"

A loud scream from the room 14 cut off Oikawa and Iwaizumi rushed into the room Isuzu was in and the moment he entered he saw Suzuki next to Isuzu's bed as Isuzu who'd gone in to a seizure and was shaking with her eyes closed and Iwaizumi rushed to her.

"Call a doctor Oikawa!" Iwaizumi yelled at Oikawa as he held her hand and stared calling out her name loudly as he held her hand and tears started to flooding his eyes.

"Don't you leave me Zuzu!" Iwaizumi called out as the doctor and a nurse rushed in.

"Doctor Iwaizumi remove the blanket off of her ASAP." The doctor ordered. "Nurse Yui help me put her on her side."

The doctor instructed Iwaizumi to move a side now as he took care of the situation.

"Hajime," Suzuki said. "Hajime, please tell me she'll be alright!" Suzuki cried as she stood next to Iwaizumi.

"Let's take her to the other room we have the equipment there." The doctor said as he took the gerny out of the room with the nurse.

"Hajime she'll be alright right???" Suzuki cried as she hugged Iwaizumi and started to cry into Iwaizumi's chest.



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