↦ 7

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at school, it was completely hard for both of you. we keep our eyes away from each other. it always find their way to make an eye contact.

Mingyu will give a secret wink after the class ended,which always end up your face turn bright red.

"where is my advices?!" Lucas whined.

"you two keep flirting with each other, it makes me left out!" he complained.

"you should make your move!" you tapped his shoulder and point towards winwin.

"now?! I'm not ready, oh my god!" he fix his tie and his shirt before made his way toward winwin, who sat alone.

You waited for Lucas at the hallways and saw Mingyu walked past you. He throw a quick glance and smirk at your way.

that's worsen my heart, omg!

you shyly hang your head low. Then Lucas, come to you with a proud smile.

I guess he made it.

You smiled at him. "how's it?" you asked him excitedly.

"it went well" and he winked at me.

"I'm glad you will not be alone forever!" you laughed out loud.

"I just asked him to go on date with me, later this evening." Lucas said as you both walk down to his car as he promised to send you home today.

"then goodluck mate!" you said with two thumbs up.

You open a radio and let the music hit the road. After a long back to your apartment, he dropped you off and bid you a farewell.

You went in to your own cozy apartment. you took off the bag that hanging on your shoulder and let yourself take a nap on the couch in the living room.

you woke up as you heard someone cooking in your kitchen. Instinctively, you picked up the remote as your weapon and you nervously go to your kitchen.

You got relieve when you saw Mingyu cooking in your kitchen. you thought that you want to surprise him so you sneaked your arms around his torso since you shorter than him.

his body shivered a little as you surprised him, "oh god, you scared me there for a moment!" Mingyu exclaimed. He turned around to face you and kissed you on your forehead.

"hehe sorry~" you cutely cooed.

"ah my heart!" he pinched your cheeks as he can't resist you anymore.

"what are you making by the way," you asked while you sniffing the air.

"jjajjangmyeon sauce and there's jjajjangmyeon noodle" he point at noodles.

"yummy" your stomach growled indicating that you hungry.

He chuckled at your stomach's sound. you shyly lower your head.

"oh how did you enter my apartment?" you asked him.

"I asked Lucas for your pass word's apartment" he do a peace sign while stirring the sauce.

You tsked and you sat at one of the tools in your kitchen while staring at his back.

how would it feel when we are marry each other?! that's gonna be nice.

You thought of it while smiling dreamily.

"what are you thinking about" mingyu moved the sauce into big bowl to take it on the dining table.

"marrying you-" you quickly put your hand against your mouth when you accidentally slipped out the sentence.

that's make mingyu stand still.

probably he hadn't been thinking like that while I am. he could break up with me after he resigned from the school.

"someday, you will be the mother of our child" Mingyu crouched down, the same as your level.

He kissed you passionately. You closed your eyes as you feel him put his hand at the back of your head to lean forward to him,which you gladly did. he pulled away slowly.

"did you mean that?" you asked him, eyes widely.

"of course if you want to" he said kinda shy about the topic.

this making your smile even wider. you hugged him tightly. he smiled and hugged you back before lightly tap your back.

"we should eat now" Mingyu stated.

you nodded aggressively as your stomach grumbling harder.

He patted your head and take your hand towards the dining table.

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