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you crying silently inside of your mom's car. your mom looking at you with pure concern. "dear, let's hope together for mingyu to make out alive. he's strong, I know he will survive. don't worry."

her mom rub and pat your hair to comfort you. you sniffed and still choked on your tears, "I will try to not worry so much." you wiped away your tears and show your mom a forced smile.

"that's my girl." she smiled at you and continue drive to the hospital.

after botf of you arrived, you quickly went outside of the car and ran towards the counter. "Hello, can I know which room Kim Mingyu in?"

"wait for a moment, miss" the lady on the counter start to type on her computer to find which room.

"it's 6004, miss."

"thank you so much!" you genuinely thank her. you dragged your mom to go up by elevator and pressed level 6.

you nervously fidgeting with your fingers and biting your lips. that's your habits when you got nervous. so your mom noticed and hold your hands.

"it's gonna be okay." she said assuring you while caress your hands. "hope so." you whispered under your breath.

the elevator make a 'ding' sound and the door opened. you took a swift sharp breath when you heard it. every little things or sounds makes it more worst to your nerves.

you let out a shaky breath as the door of the emergency room appear in your sight. you ran towards the door and saw mingyu on the bed. your tears trickling down again.

you saw the doctor and nurses around him, busy to save him. your mom beside you and guide you towards the bench.

"honey, calm down. let's just hope for the best." you nodded but still in sorrow.

after 1 hour, the doctor went out from the emergency room where Mingyu got placed. "How's him, doc?" your pupils shaky but still maintained eye contact with the doctor.

He smiled slowly, "he's still alive. don't worry" without thinking much, you suddenly hug the doctor out of glad and relieved. "thank god, thank you doctor for saving him" your eyes are a bit swollen by the tears.

"but he still in coma, within two or three weeks, hopefully" he pat your head lightly, before backing off from the hug. you throw him a grateful smile.

"thank you doctor." your mom said.

"your welcome" he smiled and walked off. you instantly throw both of your arms around your mom.

"I'm glad he's safe"

hello berries out there, I am so sorry for not publish it sooner. huhu, I hope y'all not mad at me. its a short chap but I'll make it out for next chap.

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