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He holds your hands and softly caressing his thumb on your hands. His eyes still focused on the television.  You stared intently at him.

"What?" He finally looked at you after he felt your intense stare on him.

"Nothing. You look handsome" you replied, not knowing how it will effect those compliments on him.

He suddenly pushed you down on the couch. He's on the top while you under him. "What did you say?" He command. His eyes is something else, but you couldn't read it with your innocent mind.

"I said you handsome" you repeated and smile at him. He's now a blushing mess. He released his grip around your wrist and let you sit properly.

"Ugh!" He hide his face behind his palms. "Wow, your ears are turning red!" You said obviously teasing him.

"Don't tease me!" He playfully glared at you and attacked you with hugs, resulting you lay down on the couch again.

You giggled and pat his head. He lay his head on your chest and wrapped his arms around yours. Both of your heartbeats syncing together.

After a few minutes, you heard his breath become even.

Did he sleep?

You peek at his face and saw his eyes closed.

How can he sleep in this position? Is he feel comfy? Or maybe uncomfy? Should I move him to my bed? Or should I let him sleep til he awake? What should I do?

You felt dumfounded for minutes. Then after, you decided to let him sleep on you until he awake so that you will not disturbing his sleep.

He looks peaceful.

You carefully move his tangled hairs out from his face so you can see his face clearly.

I swear, I'll not get bored watch his face everyday .

You smiled and wrapped your arms around him.

"Sleep tight baby"

Author's notes
This chap and for the next chap is only a filler chapters. Dont worry I'll try my best to write other chapters 😅

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