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Well, you were not expecting something would happen today but unluckily you, there's someone about to ruin your day.

you pick up your pace faster towards your class, afraid if you were late. you arrived exactly at 8 am before the class started. you see everyone is already seated and laughing with their friends. you continue your way to your chair which is beside Lucas but he didn't come today.

You sighed as you realised you will spend your time alone without your friends today. you about to put your head on your desk but suddenly you heard a familiar voice. 

it can't be him, right?

you looked up to see Jake smirking at you from the centre of the class. you could see Mingyu getting uncomfortable with him in our class. you avoided Jake's gaze on you and looking everywhere but him.

"Hello everyone, I'm Jake and nice to meet ya" he said with his infamous Australian accent. You hear the class whispering about him on how good looking is he and how good it is to be his girlfriend while you just looking and toyed with your fingers instead.

"Okay Jake, you may be seated beside Haru" Mingyu pointed to the guy at the front but of course Jake don't want to sit with him.

"no sir, actually I want to sit with y/n" he said pointing towards you making everyone's attention at you. you hate being the centre of attention so you just drop your head on the table, trying not to get their attention.

"but she already has table mates-" Mingyu said but quickly cut off by Jake. "do I look like I care?" He strolled his way towards your table. He smirks once he saw that Mingyu getting mad about Jake getting closer to you.

He suddenly wrapped his arms around your shoulder making you looked up at him and rolling your eyes. "can you put your heavy arms away?" you rudely asked him.

"oh no, I can't. see?" he said while demonstrated his arms couldn't move. "just put your damn arms away from me." you said controlling your anger. you know, you will probably be losing control if he didn't listen to you and not putting his arms away. but you remained calm and just let him be. you suddenly need to peek at Mingyu. We made eye contact but you quickly broke it. His eyes told you that he was mad but whatever we ain't even together anymore.

you continue to put your head on the table while Jake is still not putting his arms away. Jake looked at you, knowing you gave up and just sleep on your table. he let out a soft smile but shortly after he put on a poker face.

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