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every step you took, you hear countless whispers about you being in love with your teacher. So what? A teacher is a human too. it's not like you can't fall in love with a teacher.

but on the other hand, it's your fault too. why did you even yell out his name? Everyone is talking about you. Pairs of dirty glare were thrown your way.

Can't they mind their own business? or does my business are their business?

you throw back a death glare towards them which makes them instantly shut their mouth and looked away.

"Just come and say it in front of me if you are brave enough. you're scared, aren't you? That's why you bitching about y/n with your friends behind her back and purposely said it loudly so that y/n can hear it, right? I swear to god, you guys will be the death of me."

guess who said that? it's freaking Jake.

this guy doesn't know what's give up means, isn't he?

you rolled your eyes at him. he saw you were looking at him. Jake smiled.

"do you know what I want to do right now ?" you asked him, looking up at him innocently.


"murder you to death" you beamed an innocent smile. he stunned. his mouth hanging open.

I guess he did not expect that to come out of my mouth you thought to yourself.

"close your mouth or flies will land in your mouth," you said before rolling your eyes and walking away in satisfaction. you knew he was being 'kind' but you also knew that he was being two-faced and acting nice.

You walked into Mingyu's class. Pairs of eyes watching and staring once you stepped inside the classroom. your stomach churned in kind of- nervous? nervous about what will happen to Mingyu once the school know about the relationship- it's not that you're still in a relationship with Mingyu, the principal probably knew by now.

"y/n! Principal asked you to meet him in his room now," someone said to you- more like shouting though. Probably wanted everyone to hear it.

once again, your stomach flips violently. it's different from you spent time with Mingyu and your stomach filled with butterflies and churning in a good way.

why do I feel like this will become worse?

you left your bag on top of your table and force yourself to make your way to his office.

A/N ;

Hi everyone! I am so sorry for leaving this book still ongoing for such a long time. like 3 years? damn. I guess I'm back. I'm back to finish this book as soon as possible. because soon I will enrol at university. time flew by so fast. I wrote this book when I was 15 and now I'm 18 🥲 hehe hope you like this chapter and thank you for being patient with me!! do vote and leave a comment 🩷

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2023 ⏰

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