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"Hello, everyone. I'm your new temporary teacher who will replace your math teacher which is Mrs. Jeon, who is pregnant by eight months now." he settled down his books on the teacher's desk. He corrected his coats and started to write on a blackboard with his left hand.

"김민규," he writes his name neatly and somewhat beautifully to y/n's eyes.

"My name is Kim Mingyu, but you all can call me Mr. Kim." he finished it with a smile that sent the girl student's heart bloom. Oh, and also Lucas, who grinning widely at his crush.

"hey, y/n, should I go flirt with that boy" he whispered in your ears when the teacher taught us about algebra.

"shh, you are gonna get us detention!" you accidentally raised your voice, which caught the teacher's attention.

"yes, y/n? Wanna share with us in the class?" his gaze towered down her body, making her shiver by the cold stare.

"N-no sir," you shook your head means nothing.

"Okay, detention after class," he coolly said.

"but Luc-"

"no buts, and just keep quiet while listening to me."

Somehow the words he said meant something else. But you didn't care and slammed down on your seat.

You glared at this specific person. He just laughed awkwardly then he focused on Mr. Kim.

Wait till I finish my detention class, Lucas!

You were beyond mad because you had to stay longer at school for 1 hour.

"Class dismissed, except for you," he leaned forward, indicating you.

You pouted. "Aye, we couldn't go on a date today, but tomorrow, I promise we will go and sorry, hehe" Lucas leaned forward to you and kissed you on the cheek as an apology.

"yeah yeah, sure" You rolled your eyes but giggled at his flying kiss after he went out.

After the students went out, the class went silent. Even your heartbeat could be heard. Mr. Kim sat on his teacher's desk and stared at you.

"What?" you asked him instinctively.

"Nothing," he answered and continued doing his work after that.


One hour seems long than before, so you decide to talk to your teacher.

"Mr. Kim, do you know that you're hot?" You blurted it out.

His hand stopped when you asked the question. "You know that students can't say that to their teacher?"

"I know, but it's not like you're head over heels for me," You said confidently.

"you don't know what's going on inside my mind right now, don't ya?" His grip around the pen tightened when you suddenly rose from your seat to go to him.

"what do you mean by that, Mr. Kim?" you run your fingertip on his arms seductively. You don't know where you got your confidence from.

"I could do anything to you beyond your imagination, so please keep your hands off me."

"and what will it be, Mr. Kim?" you held his gaze staring at your brown eyes.

"things that you couldn't imagine," He answered.

It's our secret [Kim Mingyu Seventeen X Reader] ON GOINGWhere stories live. Discover now