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the door got knocked. so you stood up and pulled the door to open it. your mom with her messy hair at the door apartment and a look of concern washed over her face.

"he did nothing to you, right?" she asked worryingly.

You shook your head, denied it. "it's good if he did nothing or I'll chop his banana" she release a breath of relieved.

"I saw a man shoes, that's why I'm scared if he here." mom asked confused.

"actually mom, I need to tell you something very important" your face turned serious in one second.

"what is it, my child. tell me" she assured you calmly.

"we need to go to sit first." she nodded in agree with the ideas. they walked side by side in completely silence. usually the walk take about 3 or 4 minutes to reach the living room, but with your boyfriend in here which is your teacher, make it more difficult to reach living room in hurry.

"who is this, young man?" mom asked as soon she saw Mingyu sat on the couch. Mingyu heard his name got called so he looked up to your mom.

you never told her about Mingyu. it's not like mom need to know, right? but in this case, she have to know who Mingyu is.

"mom better you take a sit first"

I don't want you to have a sudden heart attack with this news.

"he is my boyfriend..." you trailed off. "oh that's good!" she clapped her hands like a little child got a lollipop.

"yeah it's good until I tell you this" you awkwardly said.

the mood suddenly changed in one seconds. "what is it?" she strictly asked.

You closed your eyes for a brief second. you look to your side to see Mingyu fiddling with his fingers, probably nervous at the moment.

"he... is my boyfriend and my teacher" you finally spilt out the truth. you closed your eyes tight, too scared to even look at your mother.

the silence engulfed the serious moment. it's almost as if only breathing is allowed, no talking. you finally opened your eyes to look at your mother.

you found her, grinning widely.

wait what?

"darling, if you scared that I might opposed your relationship, you are wrong honey." she smiled again.

your eyes wide at the sentence she just said. you trying to comprehend the words she just said.

"seriously?!" you shouted in surprise, not blinking your eyes.

you looked towards your boyfriend to see him gaping towards mother. you silently chuckled at his reaction.

"are you sure, ma'am?" mingyu carefully asked your mother.

"yes, son. don't call me ma'am, just call me mother" she smiled softly towards Mingyu.

"but also I know how risk you guys are to go out on dates like others. so be careful." she winked at both of us, leaving us speechless and blushing madly.

"well that was unexpected, to be honest" you said truthfully. "yeah" Mingyu took your hands and intertwined it. you smiled at his small actions and look towards your mother. your mother silently squeal at us.

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