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Mingyu's POV

I know I f*cked up everything. this whole relationship, its my fault!

yes, I'm willing to risk my career but I don't want y/n to get dismiss by the school. it might humiliate her. I can't bear seeing her hurt because of me.

this is the way. the only way to get her f*cking ex away from me and y/n and also to shut his mouth from spilling the secrets.

I picked up my phone and texted y/n.

we need to distance ourselves. We need a break like I said. I hope you understand and give both of us time. I don't want to lose you but I have to do this. I'm sorry.

I freaking know that my actions is pathetic. but I have to. i need to think some ways to not trigger Jake. so he can shut the hell up.

although I said to distance ourselves, I need to keep an eye on her incase he might kidnap her like what her father did.

did she tell her mom? I wonder.



you received a text from Mingyu. you know he will change his behaviour just like that. you sighed and rubbed your temples, feeling headache from this troubles.

Mingyu is right. we need time and we can go back to each other slowly after Jake gone.

is Jake really going to tell the principal? he wouldn't, right?

these thoughts keep wandering around your mind. you flashback to a happy memories both of us, me and Jake.

he's kind and he's very precious. you want to protect his smile at all cost. you don't know why he turned like that. From a soft boy turned into a playboy. Everything seems fast. you couldn't put your mind straight when you found out that he cheated behind your back. Of course, you were heartbroken when you saw him, went out from the club with his arms around the girl's waist. It's truly broke you.

you wanted to tell Lucas about it at that time but didn't want to burden him more about your problems. you were thankful enough when he comfort you when you told him about your dad. Yes, he know about your past relationship with Jake but you told him you guys had to break up because you were no longer in love with him, despite his curiosity, he respect your decision and let it slide. you were thankful about it and till now he never brought that topic, cause it might uncomfortable to you. 

author's notes
I hv exam today 😫 wish me luck, y'all! 💗 and when should I end this book? 😬🥸🤓

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