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you ran to Mingyu in hoping to fix the misunderstanding, "Kim Mingyu! Hey!" you were calling for him but he just walked away and walked nonstop, even though you were yelling for him.

you were getting frustrated, and just stop walking, "I will talk to him at school, then." you slumping your way back to your apartment, solemnly.


the next day rolling fastly than you thought, it's already 6 in the morning. you were kinda feeling anxious because you have to meet Mingyu and sort out the misunderstanding situation.

you wear the school uniform, quickly. you practically ran to reach your school early to talk with Mingyu. you looked around, and unsurprisingly, there's not a lot of students.

you knocked on the door of your classroom and found Mingyu sitting at the teacher's table. you faking your cough to catch his attention, eventually, he turned his head your way but he just didn't mind you as if you were not standing there, awkwardly.

"Uhh Mingyu, I want to talk to you" you started the conversation, while walking towards him.

"About what?" He spoke up. "About what happened yesterday." You stopped talking, waiting for him to talk something but he just continued his work without looking at you.

"Mingyu, yesterday Jake was the one who kissed-" you interjected, but he beat to it, "so? What is that have to do with me?" He rudely said. Each of his words is like a slap to your face.

"Huh?" You were confused as heck. "You know, you could do whatever you want and you can date anyone or kiss anyone. It is not my concern either way. It's not like we are in a relationship. Why the heck do you need to talk to me about this shits. Just get this into your fuking mind! We are not in a relationship!" He breathed out each word with anger and mad. You got stunned by his harsh words.

It's actually... The truth. Why am I even bother to tell him?

You looked down on your feet. The tears threatened to roll down on your cheeks but you held in. "I-I'm sorry" you muttered. You walked away as if you hadn't heard anything from him and just strolled towards your specific table.

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