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Why does this bad things always happen to us? Are we that unlucky? you thought quietly.

you see Mingyu paced around the house,  completely not comfortable with the current situations. "hey, Mingyu, relax. We will find the solutions." you stood up and went to give him hug. it will soothe him when you did that every time.

He hug you back. "I can't stop worrying about this. Back then, we almost broke off when your dad threatened us. Then, this time, its your ex." you rubbed his back. "Just relax"

his tense body finally calm down and you dragged him to the couch. you still had your hands on top of his hands.

"we need to tell mom. she can help us" you gave him ideas "but I don't want to bother your mom. it's our problems" he played with my fingers carelessly.

"but we still need her help. she might can help us." you try to gain his trust. you were looking at him almost begging.

"it could be troubling for her" he still reject your suggestion. he's so stubborn!.

"she will help us, no need to worry about troubling her! I know my mom!" you accidentally shouted at him because of the frustration.

He looked at you amusingly, then he scoffed. "I'm not going to trouble her! it's our problem and I don't want your mom involve. it makes me feel useless as your boyfriend. I couldn't even help solving our problems. I think..." he cut himself from talking suddenly.

You know what he's gonna say. Your eyes started to feel wet. "don't say it." you grip on his hands.

"I'm sorry, y/n. I think we should have a break for now. that's the best solution without troubling anyone. I'm sorry" he looked down on his feet.

"NO! WE WILL SOLVE THIS TOGETHER! do you want a history to repeat itself? remember when we are arguing like this because I asked for break up when my father asked me to? but you not giving up and still searching for me! this is not the Mingyu I know! the mingyu I know is the person I love who willing to risk his life for me!" your tears already made a fountain against your cheeks.

" I'm sorry" is all he said before left the house, leaving you alone inside your house with sorrow feelings.
Why does this bad things always happen to us? Are we that unlucky? you thought quietly.

you see Mingyu paced around the house,  completely not comfortable with the current situations. "hey, Mingyu, relax. We will find the solutions." you stood up and went to give him hug. it will soothe him when you did that every time.

He hug you back. "I can't stop worrying about this. Back then, we almost broke off when your dad threatened us. Then, this time, its your ex." you rubbed his back. "Just relax"

his tense body finally calm down and you dragged him to the couch. you still had your hands on top of his hands.

"we need to tell mom. she can help us" you gave him ideas "but I don't want to bother your mom. it's our problems" he played with my fingers carelessly.

"but we still need her help. she might can help us." you try to gain his trust. you were looking at him almost begging.

"it could be troubling for her" he still reject your suggestion. he's so stubborn!.

"she will help us, no need to worry about troubling her! I know my mom!" you accidentally shouted at him because of the frustration.

He looked at you amusingly, then he scoffed. "I'm not going to trouble her! it's our problem and I don't want your mom involve. it makes me feel useless as your boyfriend. I couldn't even help solving our problems. I think..." he cut himself from talking suddenly.

You know what he's gonna say. Your eyes started to feel wet. "don't say it." you grip on his hands.

"I'm sorry, y/n. I think we should have a break for now. that's the best solution without troubling anyone. I'm sorry" he looked down on his feet.

"NO! WE WILL SOLVE THIS TOGETHER! do you want a history to repeat itself? remember when we are arguing like this because I asked for break up when my father asked me to? but you not giving up and still searching for me! this is not the Mingyu I know! the mingyu I know is the person I love who willing to risk his life for me!" your tears already made a fountain against your cheeks.

"I'm sorry" is all he said before left the house, leaving you alone inside your house with sorrow feelings.

author's notes
I have exam next week! (16-20 Aug 2021) FML ✋🤡😭

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