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it's now a recess time. you really don't want to associate with people today. Arguing with Mingyu, plus Lucas not coming to school just ruined my mood today.

you checked under your table to see strawberry milk and bread that Jake gave to you.

looking at the foods, kinda upset you because you remember of yesterday's scene.

'if only he doesn't kiss me, then me and mingyu probably would be good by now- no I can't think of mingyu. he is nothing but past.'

your thoughts got interrupted by no other than Jake. you rolled your eyes and shoved the foods back under your table.

"why don't you eat it?" he asked with his quizzical face.

"I don't want to"


"just because. now stop bothering me for god sake" you stood up, wanting to leave the classroom but a hand stopped you to do so.

"why are you avoiding me? did I do something?"

"what the hell? did you really forgot what happened yesterday? oh my goodness, Jake." you released his grip on your hand.

"what happene- oh the kiss!" he said with his innocent face as if its something good.


"I am not sorry at all about the kiss." he cut you off.

"the heck?"

"I mean what I meant, y/n. I really intended to kiss you yesterday. if its hadn't for Mingyu, I would have already-" he stopped himself.

"have already what? tell me. have already what?"

" I may be already ask you to be my girlfriend-"

you slapped him. "are you in delusional? are you sure you are not some mental patient?"

"no! I am not! I am very sure that you may have some feelings for me yesterday! I know you have!"

"that was past, Jake! I don't love you anymore!"

"then who do you love now?!"

"I love MINGYU!"

a silent erupted our moments. that's when you realised there's someone else in the classroom.

Not only Mingyu, but some of your classmates is already in the class.

you were so caught up in the argument till you didn't noticed your classmates already fill in the class.

whispers could be hear everywhere.

"Mingyu? isn't that our teacher?"

"Mingyu as in our teacher?! is she crazy?"

"there's no Mingyu except our teacher, right?"

"oh my, Mr.Kim is here. he probably heard what she said."

"she got crush on our teacher"

The murmured of your classmates could be hear by you.

"I hate you, Jake" you gritted your teeth and went out from the classroom.

'stupid me, why would I even yell his name! now everyone know that I love Mingyu. I just humiliated myself. if only they knew that Mingyu is my ex-boyfriend...'

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