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you saw Jake entered the class using the entrance door, obviously. he saw how you were moody and it's actually bothering him. Jake thought that he should make you happy and there will be chances to get back with you. Although, it's hard but he should try.

He dug his bag to find something. luckily, he found strawberry milk and bread that he bought just this morning on his way to school. he smiled triumphly, he trailed his way to his table which is beside yours.

He put the foods on your table. you gave him a poker face and shook your head, indicating that you don't want his foods. he ignored your expression and push the foods to you.

you knew he don't want to give up any soon. so you just put the foods under your table and propped your head on the table.

"why so serious by the way? care to share?" Jake started.

"don't snoop into my business" you sassily rolled your eyes.

"rude much, huh? I just want to help you know." Jake retorted back.

"help, my ass."

Jake jumped out of shock to the words you just used. Coming out from you does not feels right. he knows when you started to use curse words, that means 'don't mess with her or you will be dead'.
Jake got the message and leave spaces to you.

you know what you just did is so rude but he deserved that. you still couldn't forgive him for yesterday kiss. the facts that he don't even apologise for yesterday, makes you so mad at him.

I am so sorry for not updating 😭😭😭 school has just started 3 weeks ago and I had to shut off from social media to focus on my studies. I guess, I am back? Still not sure tho. sometimes I have lots of homeworks and forget to update 😭. I really am sorry 🙏

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