
911 28 2

"m-mingyu, what are you doing here?" you asked not opening the door fully to him.

"Please let me in, y/n," his eyes told that he been crying for hours. his eyes reflected yours.

You sighed, "you know that we are over," you said quietly, more to yourself. Mingyu trying to search for your eyes, begging you silently to look at him.

"y/n, please" he put his hands on your shoulder, bringing back the old familiar feels butterflies in your stomach.

you closed your eyes, knowing that his touch will probably be lingering on your skin later, and you will miss him more. deciding to let him in or not, you gave in.

"fine" you open the door widely for him to get in. his eyes glowing in happiness, he knows that you still love him and there's must be something till you off suddenly cut their relationship just like that.

"thank you" he breathed out in relief. he walks past the door towards the living room. you quietly closed the door and went inside.

the tension was serious and none of us said anything. "you know if you don't have anything else to say, you can go home" you said stand up, ready to go towards your room.

"y/n, wait" he took a hold of your wrist, stopping you to move. "I need to talk to you." his grip tightened a little bit, telling you to stay with him. you nodded and sat beside him but still leaving a gape. you pulled away from his grasp.

"you know I love you-" he started but you cut him off. "if you want to talk about how you love me and bullshits, I think you better stop" you crossed your arms.

"no, hear me out. I love you and you love me. there's something you didn't tell me as to why you want to break up. if you tell me the reasons, I promised that I will never disturb you again. just one valid reason. don't leave me reason please " he plea.

"I don't love you anymore," you said, prevent looking into his eyes or he will tell that you lied.

"no, look into my eyes and tell me, you don't love me" he grip onto your hands. you closed your eyes and take a deep breath.

your eyes staring in his eyes. something blocks your voice from coming out. you want to say that you don't love him but you know you can't. even doing nothing with him, his presence already blooming the butterflies inside your stomach.

"m-mingyu, i-i can't tell you" tears started to pool up at the edge of your eyes. "why is it hard to tell you, that I d-don't love you" you choked by your tears.

Mingyu wiped your tears and smiled softly at you. "you know why because you love me." he leaned towards your lips and attached with his. you closed your eyes, fully enjoy his kiss.

I love him even though I tell him I don't, but my heart does belong to him.

"I love you, mingyu," you said breathlessly. he hugged you in his warm hug, "I know and I love you so much" he patted your head, comforting you which make you lean into his touch.

"there's something I need to tell you"


you told him every single thing that had happened to you in the past. you make sure that there's nothing left to tell him. you thought that he will look at you with such a disgusted face but no, he listens to it and he tells you "it will be okay" and "that's fine"

thus, everything you thought about him turned out it's the opposite of it. you feel really glad for having him by your side.

"We can always tell each other about everything. let the past gone and make a new history. and it's your father fault, not yours. I will always by your side, listening to your problems. okay?" you nodded gratefully. you snuggled closer to him.

"also my father just got out of jail, and he blackmailed me. he said that he wants to tell everyone about us and I have to break up with you" you said quietly but you know he can hear you.

"no need to worry about that. just relax"

Hey everyone, here I want to say that, I'll probably update late because my school just started today, I hope y'all can understand it. thank you ❤️

edited: April 6, 2021

happy birthday to our big puppy 🐶😍✨❤️

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