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"WELCOME BACK, Y/N!" Lucas shouted loudly make everyone's attention turned towards us.

"please Lucas, tone down your voice-" your sentence cut half of the mid way because you saw Winwin and Lucas hands' intertwined together.

"ohmygod, what's happening?!" now it's your turn to shout and you pointed toward their hands.

"oh yeah. forgot to tell you. we're officially a couple now" Lucas confidently said while Winwin in a blushing messed.

"you are such a bad friend, how could you forgot to tell me such an important things!" you fake scowled at him.

"hey, don't let your moods down! I'll tell you everything and will not missing out a single tea!" he lockhead you with his big arms, catching the teacher's attention who is just came in.

Mingyu cleared his throat and look at both of us in soemhwat jealousy way. you pushed Lucas away from you and blushed lightly to see him getting jealous.

"ouh your boyfie is getting jealous~" Lucas continuously teasing you.

"babe, stop annoyed y/n. poor her" Winwin said softly at her beloved boyfriend aka Lucas.

"chill, I'm just playing around." he kissed Winwin's cheeks, once again making him blushing.

"get a room, guys" you said, pretending to hide and close your eyes with your hands.

"geez" Lucas said and focus on the class. you chuckled and looked infront of you, to see Mingyu looking at you in adoration.

you hide your face behind your palm and calm your heartbeat.

his stare hurting my poor heart. uwu

You saw him smirk for a second and changing to his tea her attitude back.

good cover up, mingyu


"y/n, I need to go on a adates with Winwin now! I will spill the tea to you later! Bye!" he hurriedly make his ways towards Winwin and didn't even wait for your replies.

welp, someone's excited~

"you wanna go on a date too?" a voice startled you up and spin around to see your beloved man.

"oh sure, I don't really care" you sheepishly said.

"umm since we can't go out public, why don't we just stay at home and watch movies?" he suggested.

"sounds perfect to me!" since you were not that extrovert, you prefer to be at home and spend your times with your beloved ones. I know you must be thinking, it was too plain and boring. but for you, it's not. you are more to a simple person and wishing to have a simple dates!

Author's notes
I'm having an exam right now till 17 July 21 ! Wish me luck, guys !🤍🥺🦋

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