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three days has passed quickly without anyone noticed. Mingyu have to pay for the hospital fees and he got a call to answer so he exit the room.

You are on your bed, packing some of your clothes and your essentials while you had to stay in the hospital room.

You heard the door knob twisted. and your guesses is Mingyu, because we have to go back to my apartment. you are about to face him but you feel lightheaded like someone had hit you hard on the head.

you passed out once again. before you passed out, you saw someone you didn't expect. "father" you closed your eyes, once again saw his smirk getting wider.


You woke up in an unknown room, on the uncomfortable bed. it seems like underground room. "help me!" you shouted, while hoping for someone or Mingyu came into the room.

"I see you are awake, darling" you spotted your father at the entrance door, leaning against the wall while folding his arms.

"what are you doing?! let me go, you crazy!" you spatted angrily. "it's no use to use your energy over me because you know you can't run away from me" he shook his head in mockingly ways.

"just you wait for polices to come and put you behind the jail bars." you stated. "oh I am so scared" he sassily and confidently said.

"I know you will end up in jail again because you know why" you smirked at the thoughts of it. "why?" he question.

"because there's cctv in the hospital and mingyu will check it and YOU WILL END UP IN JAIL!" you shouted.

He started to laugh like a mad person. he fall on his knees as if what you just said is funny to him.

what the hell ?

"you are stupid, y/n. I already made a revision around the hospital so I know how to get out with you without being caught by the doctors or guards. you are the one who is dumb" he shaking his head and went closer to you.

He touched your shoulders. "don't touch me, you jerk!" you spit at his face. "fierce daughter, I like" he disgustingly exclaimed.

"WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO?! FOR GOD SAKE I'M YOUR FREAKING DAUGHTER!" you shouted as you feel your eyes brimming with tears.

"I'm not doing anything. I'm here to take you as my hostages so I could meet my future son in law" he chuckled deeply.

"what do you want from him?!" you asked him. "just want to see him. why I can't meet him?" he smirked.

"you are trying to hurt him, don't you?"

"I don't know~" he sing the sentences and bring out his gun. pretend to play with it and look at you.

He pointed his gun towards the side of your head. "kill me, kill me!" you said daringly.

"not so fast, honey" he smirked. "but if you don't shut the hell up your mouth, I will make sure to blow your head and you will never see the day of tomorrow. I would throw your body down the river and no one will ever see you" he slapped your face without any pity.

"don't you dare touch Mingyu!"

He looked at you amusingly, before he went outside the door and lock it.

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