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"can you stay here alone, Mingyu? I need to go to hospital to see my mom. She's in emergency room right now." you urgently asked him.

"yeah, I can. you should go see your mother. Settle your matters first." he slowly take your hands. "take care, okay?"

"I will. You too take care. I will call you later. Bye, love you" you pecked his lips. "love you too. Now go" you bid him a farewell and rushed towards another hospital.

Why people that I love around me always getting hurt? it's all my fault.


"Mom!" You shouted made everyone looking at you weirdly. Geez i don't care.

"Oh dear, why are you here?" My mom worriedly asked you. "What? Isn't you got into an accident just now?" You asked her back. "No, not me. Maybe the passer-by thought i was in critical condition but it's not me. It's the other people. I just passed out in shock thats all." Your mom explained to you.

"Oh my, thank god !" You hugged your mom tightly. "I am so worried about you!" Your eyes are swollen with tears. "Sorry for making you worry, honey" your mom runned your back, soothingly. "Mom, Mingyu already awake from coma!" You wiped your remained tears. "Lets go see him" your mom hold your hands and nodded.


"It's not mom who hurted, its the other woman." You told Mingyu while holding his hand. "You must be worried so much." He rubbed your head lovingly. "Yeah, but I'm glad it's not mom, but I'm for that woman. She's in critical condition." You pouting.

"Aww baby, don't worry too much. Im sure she will get better soon." He smiled and kiss your forehead. "Now let's aside all those sad moments. Lay down beside me." He patted the space on the hospital bed. You chuckled and slide under his blanket. You cuddle with him on the bed. "I miss this." You said while your head rest on his chest. "Me too, baby." He peck your lips and play with your hair.

"It must be tiring for you to take care everything around you including me. Im sorry for troubling you. I'm the one who should protect you and all of people around you." Mingyu said quietly. "You are not a burden to me. I love you." You mumbled quietly and fell deep in slumber. He chuckled deeply. "I love you too"

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