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Next morning on Saturday~

you woke up by the breathe fanning on your face. you open your eyes and see Mingyu cuddle with you. Probably he carried you to your room.

that's sweet. you grinned quietly.

Mingyu stirred in his sleeps but didn't woke up yet, so you slipped away from his muscle arms and made your way towards your bathroom.

You showered and change your clothes before went to kitchen. you mix all the flour with eggs in one bowl and pour it on pan. yes, you were making pancakes.

You felt two strong arms circled your small waist while you flip the pancakes.

"hey" you kissed him on the lips.

"hey honey, what are you making?" he said with his sleepy voice, which make you shivered and still couldn't believe you were in one house with your teacher who is your beloved boyfriend.

"pancakes" he snuggle his face on your neck and kissed on it.

you placed the pancakes on two plates.

"chocolate or honey syrups?" you asked him as he still had his arms around you.

"urm what did you want? I will pick what ever you pick" he answered.

"okay" you squeezed a chocolate syrups on top of his pancakes. you made love symbols on the pancakes.

"aww, let me do yours" he take the chocolate syrups from your hands and make a big love on your pancakes.

"thanks" you kissed on his cheeks.

"nu-uh I don't want on the cheeks, I want on the lips" he tapped his lips indicating to kiss on lips.

"whatever" you want to give a peck but he held you so that the kiss went longer than you expected. but you were enjoying it.

"ill wait you at the table" you nodded and give him last peck on his lips.

you were about to go to the dining table but someone ring your bell.

who is it? it's not mom, right?!

you opened the door with Mingyu peeked at who at the door. Loud voice rang through your apartment.

"y/n!" Lucas shouted while hugging you in his arms which alarming Mingyu.

"h-hey what are you doing h-here?" you stuttered as you see him making his way to got in your apartment.

"I'm your beloved friend, and I promised to go on date with you today. why? is there someone else here?" he questioned.

You literally forgot that you have promised him to go hang out with him today.

"n-no and-" he cut you off and ran in through your apartment before you could block him.

oh shit!

"y-y/n, why Mr Kim at your house?!" he shouted with his girly voice.

oh man!

"he's here to teach me math! you know that I'm dumb in math-" you stopped your own speech when he suddenly touch Mr Kim or known as your boyfriend.

"is he real or a clone of Mr Kim?" Lucas said not taking his eyes off him.

"ugh come on" you take off his hands all over Mingyu before dragged him towards your room.

You lay down on your bed which it have Mingyu's scent on the mattress. "yah! don't you dare tell anyone!" you dead stare at him.

"of course, why would I?" he seem not interested in your relationship which is good.

"but with one condition" you took back what you just had said about him.

"what, ugh"

"give me an advices on how I should flirt with Dong Singcheng (Winwin)." Lucas said with pure love displayed in his eyes. this makes you shot up and sat like a normal person.

"Of course!" you gave him a thumbs up.

"oh and also I want your pancakes" he grinned and left you.

my pancakes.

You pouted and sat beside Mingyu. He kissed your pouted lips. "you can take mine" he said while passing you the hall eaten pancake.

your eyes twinkle at the sight of pancake. "thanks" you munching on the pancake and give a delight sound.

Lucas infront of you, looking at the two of you. "Aww, you guys are so sweet!!" he chimmed in.

"she's the one for me" Mingyu proudly said with smirk and hanging his arms on your shoulder.

you smiled at him before pecked his lips.

"please, I'm single, get me out of here!" Lucas stress-ly said.

"don't worry, Lucas. you will get one later" you flashed him a sly grin as you obviously stated about Winwin, its make his face flushed red and continue eating with shy smile.

"what about it?" Mingyu curiously asked.

"nothing" you showed him a large smile which make he smile before pinching your cheeks.

"aigoo, so cute"

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