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"you tell everyone about me blackmailing you? darling, you made a mess. remember, I warned you before not to tell anyone. just wait for your consequences."

-your dearest father

"m-mingyu" your eyes getting damped because you were scared terribly. Mingyu looked at you in confusion and concerned by the way you were acted.

"my father" that simple mention about your father, giving both of us chills. he took your phone to read over the text.

"honey, look here" he grip on your shoulder, not too hard, to face him. "your father probably just want to scare you off, he didn't mean any harm" he confidently said.

the way he spoke seems calm but you know there's a feeling between scared and concerned dancing in his eyes. his body is shaking but he remain calm for you.

"you don't know what he capable of doing. if he meant it, then he will do it. Mingyu, I don't want to lose you, not again" you grab his hand and squeeze it.

"I don't want to lose you too, y/n. I really fall deep in love with you. I can't let you go" he hugged your trembling figure in his bulky arms.

"m-mingyu, I-i love you" you choke on your tears as you spoke each words. you need to tell him how much you love him.

"shhh baby, I love you too" his eyes are red from crying silently.

your crying noises become a lot louder as you couldn't stop the flashback of you and your father.

"its hurt, Mingyu" your breathe got shortened from a lack of oxygen through your lungs.

"I can't breath-" your eyes are getting tired and you tried to get it open but you know you can't force it, so you let it drop and closed your eyes.

Mingyu sensed the way your body look weak and your grip around him get loosened. Mingyu panicked. "y/n, y/n, y/n!" he tried to wake you up but you couldn't hear whatever he said.


you woke up with bright lights shone on your face. you looked around and you realised you are in hospital room. you attempted to sit properly but you give up because of the massive headache you felt. you accidentally slipped out and fall to the ground. making a loud thud and your bum are really hurt.

with the way of the loud sound you just made, Mingyu came into the room. "hey what are you doing on the floor" he chuckled and scooped you in his arms, like you were just cat.

"I falled to the ground" you protest and mingyu put you on the bed, like previously. "if you want to fall, don't fall on the ground, fall into my arms and i'll be gladly catch you" he winked charmingly making you red.

"what the hell, that's the worst pickup-line I've ever heard, Mingyu" you lied trying to cover up your blushing mess.

"hey that's the best I could do" he giggled and take your hands. you intertwined your fingers with his, letting his warmth hands covering yours.

"mingyu, why am I in the hospital? I couldn't remember it" you scrunched your nose as you can't remember what happened.

"you passed out because of the stress and burden you carried on your shoulders. the doctor said, that you lack of sleep. so you have to stay here for 3 days to let you rest properly and nurse will give you an injection." he explained and rub your hands softly.

you replied with short nodded as you understood him." y/n, I'm begging you, please do tell me your problems. I don't want you to worry about it by yourself. please share with me, promise?" he pouted at you.

"I promise" your feelings are getting emotional making your eyes once again wet with your tears.

"don't cry. you cry alot lately. I don't know what's in your mind right now. I hate seeing you cry. looking at you cry, making me miserable" he hug your sideway waist.

He placed his head on your chest. you played with his hair as he closed his eyes. you noticed his eyes slowly closed to sleep.

"night night mingyu" you murmured to him and kiss his forehead.

what was the good deed I did in the past to deserve you, Mingyu?

you smiled softly at the thoughts.

the next morning

you woke up by the feel of someone play with your hair. "hey sleepyhead" he kiss your forehead. "hey mingyu" you smiled at him.

"wake up and let's eat" he shook you slightly. "Okay okay" you replied, smiling cheerfully at him.

You saw him picking up a bowl of chicken porridge. "let me feed you" he insisted.

"I'm not a child, gyu" you whined, although you liked the way he acted.

"I'm not gonna listen to you, and I know you secretly like it" he smirked proudly as if he just hit a jackpot.

"oh shut up" you blushing. "open your mouth, aaahh" he bring the spoon near your lips.

"aahhh" you playfully imitated him and eat the porridge. "it's so good!" you exclaimed while clapping like an idiot seal.

"of course, I cooked it" he arrogantly said.

"seriously? so you go back home this morning just to cook for me?" you guiltily ask him.

"yup, but it's no trouble for me, I willingly want to cook for you" he caressed your head.

"why do I deserve you?" you hugged him, carefully trying not to nudge the bowl porridge in his hands.

"Darling, don't say that. We know we are fated to be met. Now, eat."


"y/n! I want to give you something!" he excitedly clapped his hands. "what is it?" you curiously looked at him.

"close your eyes!" you do as he said and closed your eyes. "don't peek or you cheat!" you nodded at his words and close your eyes tightly.

you heard some ruffling sound around you but you remained calm and wait for him. you felt something on your neck.

No way

"now you can open your eyes" you open your eyes and you look down at the diamond necklace wrapped nicely around your neck.

"its pretty on you" he admiringly you. your tears are about to fall out but you didn't let them to flow.

"mingyu, thank you so much" you throw your arms around mingyu and squeeze him to show your gratitude.

"its beautiful, very beautiful!" you said looking him in the eyes. he stared at you and kiss you on your lips, which you gladly responded.

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