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calm down, y/n!

You took a good deep breath again before you ring the bell. your heart was beating so fast and it's about to burst anytime.

you were here to end things and you need to embrace of what happen after this. you can't dragged anyone else in this problems.

I can't tell anyone!

if you tell anyone, the risk of it, finally revealed. the owner of the apartment finally showed up, holding the door for you to come in.

You took off your shoes and went inside. your palms were sweating much and can't stop shaking before you arrived here.

"hey y/n, it's such a long time since we spend time together." he smiled sweetly. his smile is what keep you happy nowadays but this problems is getting nowhere if you didn't do anything about it.

"hey mingyu, I come here to settle things... with you" you looked down, don't want to face him as you know his face will show alots of pains when you tell him your final decision.

"s-sure. what's with this serious tensions?" you heard he mumbling more to himself.

"I need to break up with you"

you finally said it. no turning back. what's done is done.

stick to your plan, y/n

"what the heck were you talking about?" he raised his voice.

"mingyu, i-i don't want to risk your job nor my future." it's true that you want him to keep his job but you know too about the risk that your 'father' might burst the secret to world and mingyu might get caught, end up in jail.

"no! we talked this through already! you and I willingly want to risk our life just to be with each other! you can't broke your promises, y/n! I love you!" his voice cracked every each of words poured out from his mouth.

I love you too, mingyu

you gulped down your tears noises, attempting to keep strong infront of mingyu. But you know well, that you will broke any second when you back in your apartment.

"sorry mingyu, we need to end this bull crap"

you know it's harsh but you need to do this for him to hate you and move on. you need to keep him away from your evil father.

"no! we can't, I know you love me, and I love you, dear!" he pulled you towards him and wrapped his arms around your waist. he is now crying. you sure of the noises he was making, and the wet tears fall on your shirt. you let out a shaky breath and pulled away from him. you stood up and rectify your shirt.

"I'm no longer have feelings for you, mingyu. our relationship is over, bye" your back was facing him so he couldn't see your face. you let tears slipped down your cheeks and went outside of his apartment.

deep down in your heart, you was hoping for Mingyu to run to you. but you know, that will be never happen because you both know, this is the end for us.

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